Louis is a gulp task that is used to analyze the performance of a website against a performance budget.
There are many definitions of the performance budget on the web, my favourite is from Zachary Brady.
A performance budget provides values against which design, development, content, or any aspect of a site that may affect performance, can be made.
The aim of the plugin is to analyze the performance of the website against a performance bugdet. There are various metrics against which we can set a performance budget e.g. number of requests, imageSize etc.
1. Usage
2. Example
3. Output
4. Options
6. Change log
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-louis
import louis = require('gulp-louis');
gulp.task('louis', function() {
timeout: 60,
viewport: '1280x1024',
engine: 'webkit',
userAgent: 'Chrome/37.0.2062.120',
noExternals: false,
performanceBudget: {
requests: 2,
medianLatency: 10,
slowestResponse: 1000
gulp.task('default', ['louis']);
Example 1 (with specified url)
url: 'http://localhost:8000/',
timeout: 200,
performanceBudget: {
request: 10
domComplete: 3000
Example 2 (without url) This will launch a server and look for an index.html in the same folder as the gulpfile.js, then it will analyze the performance of this website.
timeout: 10,
performanceBudget: {
request: 10
headersSize: 200
Output with specified performance budget
Output without specified performance budget
All options are optional
url of the website to be analyzed, if it is not specified Louis will launch a server and load the index.html if this exist on the same directory as the gulpfile.jstimeout
timeout for the run (defaults to 15 seconds)- `viewport dimensions ('1280x1024' is the default)
webkit or gecko (webkit is default)userAgent
default is Chrome/37.0.2062.120noExternals
true or false, default is false, block requests to 3rd party domainsperformanceBudget
object with metrics, see below
The performance budget option can contain some or all of these values:
requests, gzipRequests, postRequests, httpsRequests, notFound, bodySize, contentLength, httpTrafficCompleted, timeToFirstByte, timeToLastByte, ajaxRequests, htmlCount, htmlSize, cssCount, cssSize, jsCount, jsSize, jsonCount, jsonSize, imageCount, imageSize, videoCount, videoSize, webfontCount, webfontSize, base64Count, base64Size, otherCount, otherSize, cacheHits, cacheMisses, cachePasses, cachingNotSpecified, cachingTooShort, cachingDisabled, oldCachingHeaders, consoleMessages, cookiesSent, cookiesRecv, domainsWithCookies, documentCookiesLength, documentCookiesCount, documentHeight, commentsSize, whiteSpacesSize, DOMelementsCount, DOMelementMaxDepth, nodesWithInlineCSS, imagesScaledDown, imagesWithoutDimensions, DOMidDuplicated, hiddenContentSize, DOMmutationsInsertsv, DOMmutationsRemoves, DOMmutationsAttributes, DOMqueries, DOMqueriesWithoutResults, DOMqueriesById, DOMqueriesByClassName, DOMqueriesByTagName, DOMqueriesByQuerySelectorAll , DOMinserts, DOMqueriesDuplicated, DOMqueriesAvoidable, domains, maxRequestsPerDomain, medianRequestsPerDomain, eventsBound, eventsDispatched, globalVariables, globalVariablesFalsy, headersCount, headersSentCount, headersRecvCount, headersSize, headersSentSize, headersRecvSize, headersBiggerThanContent, jQueryVersion, jQueryVersionsLoaded, jQueryOnDOMReadyFunctions, jQueryWindowOnLoadFunctions, jQuerySizzleCalls, jQueryEventTriggers, jQueryDOMReads, jQueryDOMWrites, jQueryDOMWriteReadSwitches, documentWriteCalls, evalCalls, jsErrors, closedConnections, localStorageEntries, redirects, redirectsTime, repaints, firstPaint, requestsToDomContentLoaded, requestsToDomComplete, assetsNotGzipped, assetsWithQueryString, assetsWithCookies, smallImages, smallCssFiles, smallJsFiles, multipleRequests, timeToFirstCss, timeToFirstJs, timeToFirstImage, domInteractive, domContentLoaded, domContentLoadedEnd, domComplete, timeBackend, timeFrontend, statusCodesTrail, windowAlerts, windowConfirms, windowPrompts, bodyHTMLSize, iframesCount, smallestResponse, biggestResponse, fastestResponse, slowestResponse, smallestLatency, biggestLatency, medianResponse, medianLatency
performanceBudget = {
cssSize: 200
jsSize: 2000
consoleMessages: 0
imageSize: 5000
domContentLoaded: 2000
smallestLatency: 1000
Bug Fixes -Fix path to phantomas command … -Add missing gulp-connect dependency -Change "main" script to "louis.js"
Released under the MIT license.