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Backup a linux machine to hetzner StorageBox using borg backup

Multiple machines can be backupped to the same storagebox. Each machine gets its own subaccount with its own password and ssh key.

What this role does

  • Create a Subaccount on the storage box
  • Add neccessary ssh keys to the subaccount
  • install borg backup on the target host
  • install some helper scripts on the target host
  • initialize borg backup repo on the storage box
  • install cronjob for backup
  • install some borg management scripts
  • Set up logrotation for backup logs


  • Hetzner Storagebox
  • Ansible

Supported Distros

It was tested on the following distros:

  • debian 10
  • univention corporate server 4.4
  • ubuntu 20.04

It should be working on other distros, too, though the packagename borgbackup may need some changes.

Storagebox Layout:

/.ssh/id_rsa_hetznerbackup              # Key to access the complete storage box. MUST exist before using this role. Variable: hetznerbackup_default_rsakey
/backups/				# Folder in the storagebox where all subaccounts are created. MUST exist before using this role. Variable: hetznerbackup_maindir
/backups/host1				# Folder for the host to be backupped, created by this role. Root folder of the machine's subaccount. Name is the hostname of the target machine
/backups/host1/.ssh/authorized_keys	# Created by this role. Allows access for borg from the target machine
/backups/host1/backup/			# Created by this role. Folder for the borg repo

Example hosts file

    hetzner_webservice_user: "XXXXXXX"                                # Get from hetzner robot -> Settings -> Webservice user
    hetzner_webservice_pass: "XXXXXXX"
    hetzner_server_id: "123456"                                       # Get from hetzner robot -> Server. e.g. EX41S #123456
#    hetzner_storagebox_id: "98765"                                   # Optional, will be fetched automatically from the server ID
    hetznerbackup_master_user: uXXXXXXX                               # User of the main storagebox, usually someting like u123456
    hetznerbackup_master_storagebox:          # Storagebox Hostname, usually the
    hetznerbackup_default_rsakey: ~/.ssh/id_rsa_hetznerbackup         # Default rsa key for accessing the storagebox
    hetznerbackup_additional_include_dirs:                            # List of additional dirs to be backupped
      - "/tmp"
    hetznerbackup_additional_exclude_dirs:                            # List of additional dirs NOT to be backupped
      - "/foo"
    hetznerbackup_cron_hour: 1                                        # Hour for the backup cronjob
    hetznerbackup_cron_minute: 0                                      # Minute for the backup cronjob

    hetznerbackup_keydir: /tmp/hetznerbackup_keys                     # Directory on the admin host for secrets storage

Example playbook

#!/bin/env ansible-playbook

- name: Hetznerbackup
  hosts: all
  remote_user: root
  gather_facts: yes
    - hetznerbackup


Make sure that you can ssh to the master storagebox from the ansible machine.

./ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml 

After running the playbook you will get some secrets on the ansible machine, see the last debug message. Keep them at a safe place

  • host1.borgkey
    • Borg keyfile
  • host1_pass.txt
    • Borg repo password
  • id_rsa_host1
    • Storagebox Subaccount ssh keypair

Creating the first backup

Just run /usr/local/bin/ on the target host to create the first backup. You can also leave this job to cron ...

Pre and post executing

Place executable scrips in /etc/borg_backup.d/preexec/, these will be executed before the backup, e.g. DB dumps.

Place executable scrips in /etc/borg_backup.d/postexec/, these will be executed after the backup, e.g. start services again

Installed scripts

All scripts are installed in /usr/local/bin/

    • Create a backup
    • Get info of the existing backups
    • Initialize the repo
  • /tmp/keyfile
    • Export the borg key to the file
    • List existing backups
  • /mnt
    • Mount the borg repo

All these scripts make use of the config file /etc/borg_backup.conf.

Known Issues

  • Borg-Backup 1.0 issues
    • Due to using UCS4 (Based on Debian 9) the scripts don't use features from Borg 1.1. Using 1.0 with a storagebox may produce issues. I need to implement a version check and add the borg version string to the scripts
  • Only tested with root as ssh user (become should work, too, though I am running backups as root anyway)
  • Monitoring is yet to come


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