./data/GU_cardCollection.ipynb - code that enages IMX API.
./data/export_cardset_05112021.csv - example player set export.
./GUArt_market - near complete Truffle based auction house.
./GUArt_market/contracts/GUArtAunction.sol and GUArtMarket.sol
./GodsUnchained_Slides.pdf - export of slide deck
Summary output of a given players cardset post analysis.
Example screenshot of data pulled from IMX
Justin Bernier
The intent is to do reporting and faciliate analysis of an NFT market place, in particular cards in the blockchain game God's Unchained. Each player has a set of cards in this game that they own, on the Ethereum blockchain, and I'd like to create a decentralized aunction in solidity for a given set of cards a player owns.
In Summary:
- Report and Analyze an NFT marketplace - Reports / Dashboard of a given NFT collection
- Create a decentralized auction in Solidity with said NFTs
- Use a new API from blockchain game God's Unchained
- OpenZepplin - Aunction Contact
- God's Unchained API - https://github.com/immutable/gods-unchained-api
- Token Trove API - https://tokentrove.com/docs
- Learn how to use new APIs
- Create and test datasets
- Summarize / Visualize a players set in a useful way
- Do marketplace analysis based on Token Trove
- Create Aunction contract in Solidity using OpenZeppelin
- Develop process for a player to list their cards for auction
- Document project
- Prepare presentation
- Highlight ongoing development and Layer2 to work around current Ethereum limitations