NikRik’s Batangas Lomi atbp., is a startup food business located in Pasay City offering short orders and party trays such as Specials (lomi, miki guisado, and pansit), A La Carte (crispy pork sisig, creamy tofu, lechon kawali, etc.), Extras (toppings, rice, egg fried rice) and Rice Meals (pork sisig with rice).
Download and install Docker.
Make sure Docker is running.
Open command prompt/Powershell or Git Bash to create the network bridge named
for the database and Spring boot backend application.docker network create --subnet= nikriks
Pull the docker images in your local docker installation in the following order: Database, Backend, and Frontend
Pull the MySQL image from DockerHub
docker pull zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-db:latest
Run the image under the nikriks network at port 3310
docker run --name nikriksapp-db --network nikriks --ip -p 3310:3306 -d zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-db:latest
Wait for at least 5 minutes to allow the database to run and accept connection.
Pull Nikrik's Backend Spring Boot image from DockerHub
docker pull zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-docker-backend:latest
Run the image under the nikriks network specifying its host ip and port at 8443
docker run --name nikriksapp-docker-backend --network nikriks --ip -p 8443:8443 -d zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-docker-backend:latest
If using GitHub Pages: The application can now be accessed at
Note: Since GitHub pages does not support SPA, the workaround is to create a 404.html page similar with the index.html file. Make sure to make a 404 page when rebuilding a new frontend version.
Optional (If Dockerized)
Pull Nikrik's Frontend Angular image from DockerHub
docker pull zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-frontend:latest
Run the Docker image at port 4200
docker run --name nikriksapp-frontend -p 4200:80 -d zarexalvindaria/nikriksapp-frontend:latest