#SocialStyler Style 4chan, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Imgur with the same beautiful Bootstrap 3 theme.
Basically, I don't like how Reddit and 4chan look, and I'm boring, so I figured "Why not make every social site similar?"
So that's what I'm doing, this will make 5 major social sites look similar by default, but you'll also be able to make sites look like 4chan, Imgur, or Facebook.
##How it looks
Bootstrapped theme on 4chan thread.
Bootstrapped theme on 4chan thread (gallery view).
- 4chan styling
- 4chan home page styling
- 4chan board styling
- 98% - 4chan thread styling
- Hook up Reply form
- Add lists of boards to switch to in sidebar
- Reddit styling
- Reddit subreddit/home page styling
- 25% - Reddit comment thread styling
- Reddit user page's styling
- Imgur styling
- Imgur home page styling
- Imgur image page styling
- Imgur user page styling
- Imgur analytics styling
- Other Chans
- 8chan
- Twitter styling
- Twitter home page styling
- Twitter user page styling
- Facebook Styling