Create e-mail with embedded images, the path of which it takes from the HTML part of the email.
The function finds and replaces expressions <img src="..." ...>
and <input type="image" src="..." ...>
Following example shows how to create e-mail with embedded images readed from the local folder or images downloaded from the internet.
Images in local folder are placed relatively to the root defined in parameter folders_root
Default is ["."]
, therefore pictures are taken from the subfolder images
in the project.
The function create_mail
uses simple file cache that stores files downloaded from the internet
to the temporary folder email-embed-images
). Therefore,
the files are downloaded only once. You can define your own cache in parameter cache
import smtplib
from email.headerregistry import Address
from email_embed_images.create import create_mail
# Prepare TEXT part of mail. This part is mandatory.
body_text = """
Local logo: python-logo.png
Web logo: python-logo-generic.svg
# Prepare HTML part of mail. This part is optional.
# Example embed local file `python-logo.png` from subfolder `images`
# and logo `python-logo-generic.svg` from url on ``.
# Download from
# and
body_html = """
Local logo:
<img src="images/python-logo.png" width="290" height="82" alt="logo local">
Web logo:
<img src=""
width="518" height="153" alt="logo from">
# Prepare attachments of mail. This part is optional.
# Example embed local file `python-logo-generic.svg` from subfolder `images`
# and logo `python-powered-h-50x65.png` from url on ``.
attachments = (
# You can also type simple: `from_email = "Stanley Sender <>"`
from_email = Address("Stanley Sender", "sender", "")
recipient_list = [
Address("Robert Recipient", "recipient", ""),
subject = "The test of embedded images and attachemnts"
# Create e-mail instance.
msg = create_mail(subject, body_text, from_email, recipient_list,
html_message=body_html, attachments=attachments)
# You can save instance into file in format EML.
with open("test-mail.eml", "wb") as handle:
# You can send it if you have a working mail server.
with smtplib.SMTP('localhost') as server:
server.sendmail(from_email, recipient_list, msg.as_string())
There is support for Django.
Function send_mail
is compatible with send_mail
in django.core.mail
The function uses Django cache
and as a folder roots STATIC_ROOT
from email_embed_images.support_for_django import send_mail
send_mail(subject, body_text, from_email, recipient_list, html_message=body_html)
Project has a test suite, powered by tox. To run it, type this:
$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 env
$ source env/bin/activate
(env) $ pip install -e git+[quality,test]
(env) $ cd env/src/email-embed-images/
(env) $ tox
$ deactivate
The project is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License.