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A command-line arrrrguments parser, written in Rust.


Most programs that provide a command-line interface use a special-purpose library to make the process easier, such as the GNU Project's getopt library. The Rust team provides their own alternative, getopts, which deserves an award for the Most Originally Named Project Ever.

In all seriousness, getopts is a fantastic library that gives the developers all of the power necessary to create and interface with command-line arguments. However, with all that power comes complexity. getopts -- while straight forward to use -- is verbose. The developer has to call different functions repeatedly in order to add different command-line options to their programs. While the only victim here is the developer's wrists due to carpal tunnel, I felt that there was a better way to do things.

Enter Pirate (which should totally usurp getopts for the award of Most Originally Named Project Ever).


Add this to your project's Cargo.toml file:

pirate = "1.0.0"

and this to your crate root:

extern crate pirate;


Using Pirate is simple. First, create a vector defining all of the valid options that your program accepts:

let options = vec![
    "a/addend#The right side of the addition equation; default=1:",
    "#Required Arguments",
    ":/augend#The left side of an addition equation"

Options are defined in a very specific format:

  • Options that have an associated argument must be followed by a colon (:). The colon must be the last character of the option (see above for example).
  • Long-form options are denoted by a preceding slash (/). Options are able to have short- and long-forms. Options which are only long-form still need a preceding slash, e.g. "/addend".
  • Required program arguments must have a preceding colon as the first character of the opt, e.g. ":/augend".
  • Option descriptions are denoted by a proceding hash (#). Descriptions are optional and are used to display helpful information about the option when displaying a program's usage information (typically when the --help flag is passed). Options with only a description (i.e. no short- or long-form name) are called "Groups", and are used to group options together when displaying usage.

Next, create a Vars struct, which is responsible for keeping track of all of the options, along with the program's name, defined for the program:

let vars: Vars = match pirate::vars("program-name", &options) {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(why) => panic!("Error: {}", why)

Next, call the pirate::matches() function, passing in a vector of the program's environment arguments, along with a mutable reference to the Vars struct that you previously defined:

let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let matches: Matches = match pirate::matches(&args, &mut vars) {
    Ok(m) => m,
    Err(why) => {
        println!("Error: {}", why);

Matches is nothing more than a type alias to a HashMap<String, String>. All of the custom methods that make the type easier to use are defined by the Match trait.

And finally, check which arguments were passed to the program.

// Returns a reference to the given arg, or None if not found
fn get(arg: &str) -> Option<&String>;

// Returns true if the match exists, false if not
fn has_match(arg: &str) -> bool;

// An iterator over all matches found
fn keys() -> Keys<String, String>;

Something to remember when using the get() function: by default, the pirate::matches() function stores the opt's long-form name as the key, by default, should the long-form exist; otherwise the short-form is used. So, should you define an opt with both a short- and long-form name, when querying for it, pass the long-form as the argument. For example:

let options = vec!["l/long#An example opt"];
let vars = pirate::vars("program-name", &options);
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let matches = pirate::matches(&args, &mut vars).unwrap();

let short = matches.get("l").unwrap(); // Error! This won't work!
let long = matches.get("long").unwrap(); // Success!

// Usage: program-name -l

As shown in a previous example, should you ever want to display the program's usage data, simply call the pirate::usage() function, passing in a reverence to your Vars struct as an argument. E.g. pirate::usage(&vars)


Here is a trivial example that gives a general idea about how to use pirate:

extern crate pirate;

use pirate::{Matches, Match, matches, usage, vars};

fn main() {
    let env_args: Vec<String> = vec![
        String::from("-a"), String::from("2"),
    let options = vec![
        "a/addend#The right side of the addition equation; default=1:",
        "#Required Arguments",
        ":/augend#The left side of an addition equation"
    let mut vars = vars("test", &options).unwrap();
    let matches: Matches = match matches(&env_args, &mut vars) {
        Ok(m) => m,
        Err(why) => {
            println!("Error: {}", why);
    if matches.has_match("help") {
    let augend: i32 = matches.get("augend")

    let addend: i32 = match matches.get("addend") {
        Some(a) => a.parse::<i32>().unwrap(),
        None => 1
    let sum = augend + addend;
    println!("{} + {} = {}", augend, addend, sum);


Pirate is licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, v3.


A command-line arrrrguments parser, written in Rust.






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