This is a Roll20 character sheet for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition. The character sheet does not require API access to be used. It is pretty straightforward and user-friendly. The code here-in resting is a collaborative work from the Roll20 community members, and the current repository owner is but a part of the authorship chain.
- /images -> user interface images (jpg, png)
- sheet.json -> Roll20 instructions and default options file
- translation.json -> main translation file used for Crowdin automated crowd sourcing
- WFRP4Charsheet.css -> character sheet visual styles
- WFRP4Charsheet.html -> character sheet mark-ups, web worker and roll template
- WFRP4Charsheet.jpg -> character sheet preview
Roll20 is a Registered Trademark of The Orr Group, LLC. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition is a Registered Trademark of Games Workshop, LLC.