MATLAB school project
MATLAB Project: dumb ways to die By: Muhammad Zeeshan Akram
Summary: there is a playstore game named as dumb ways to die . 1n this game Ihave made 5 stages.
In each stage there are different possible ways to save your character. I have made the stages named as running_stage() ,jump_over(), save_stage(), candle_stage() and rats_stage() and in each stage you have to save your character In running_stage() you have to run as fast as you can by clicking on the character In jump_over() you have to jump over the hole by clicking.In save_stage() you have to save your character from drowning .In candle_stage() you have to lit of the candle .In rats_stage() you have to run away the rats
Usage: Start the program by running DUMB_WAYS_TO_DIE.m .there will be astart button on mane screen you can start the game by clicking on it Options:there is no difficulity level of game
Features: these features are added in the game
- The five stages will be randomly selected by function select_stage()
- I have created a function that will count score named count_score()
- There is a start again button after the game is over
- I have made the animation which will show the lives remaining
Theory: There is not much of a theoretical derivation component to dumb ways to die. Programming:
- The main program is started by DUMB_WAYS_TO_DIE.m
- there are five stages as named above
- the functions named as life_1.m,life_2.m,life_3.m,life_2_used.m,life_3_used.m are the animations that will be displayed after every stage
- there are also some sub functions of every stage