Pre-requisite: Install typings globally if you haven't already, $ npm i -g typings
1- start off by doing $ npm i
2- If everything works you should be able to exec $ npm run dev
That command is used for development
- For production, do the following for once to update to the latest build if necessary $ gulp
then the server can start anytime with $ npm start
Visit localhost:3000
to see link to the application through BrowserSync
or localhost:4000
to directly view the application.
Packages included:
- node-angular2 seed for appDev
- gulp-nodemon-browserSync
- hbs
- ExpressJS server for back-end dev
- cors
- Sequelize
- epilogue
- continuous migration of Sequelize and some good back-end stuffs, RESTful API and CRUD operations done previously from NodeMYSQL repo.
- mocha, chai, supertest
- Mocha is a test framework while Chai is an expectation one
- These two, alongside with Jasmine and Karma facilitate TDD (Test-Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)
- Port in use: 3000, 3001, 3002 (BrowserSync UI), 4000
Desired packages:
- gulp-apidoc could be a good tool for documentation of API and RESTful endpoints.
- clusters from node-express-sequelize-es2015, pending evaluation