Download on SpaceDock or Github or Curseforge. Also available on CKAN.
Adopted by @zer0Kerbal, originally by @russnash37
What is Kaboom!?
Kaboom! is a very simple mod for KSP that allows the destruction of individual parts:
- Kaboom parts either through the right-click menu or via action groups.
- Parts can be kaboomed either immediately or via a tweakable delay timer of up to 30 seconds.
- Kabooms can also be set by kerbals on EVA.
Future planned features:
- Kabooming of parts via staging.
- See ChangeLog for full details of mod changes
- See Known Issues for full details of feature requests, and known issues
- Kerbal Space Program
may work on other versions (YMMV)
- Module Manager
- On Demand Fuel Cells {ODFC)}
- Field Training Facility (FTF)
- Field Training Lab (FTL)
- Docking Port Descriptions(DPD)
- PicoPort Shielded (PPS)
- Transparent Command Pods Repressurized)(TCP)
- Stork Delivery System (SDS)
- Biomatic
- B9 Stock Switches (BSS)
- Oh Scrap!:
- ScrapYard:
- DaMichel's AeroRadial
- DaMichel's CargoBays
- DaMichel's Fuselage
- DaMichel's Spherical Tanks
- Stork Delivery System (SDS)
- SimpleConstructon!
- Not So SimpleConstructon!
- TweakScale
- Community Resource Pack
- none known
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Source: GitHub
*** All bundled mods are distributed under their own licenses***
*** All art assets (textures, models, animations) are distributed under their own licenses***
Author: @RussNash37
Source: GitHub
Kaboom! is released under an open license, feel free to modify and re-release Kaboom! just be sure to link back to the original version and to also include this license.
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not Jedbrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date