This is a Go package that allows rendering LaTeX documents to images using mathTeX. Also parse LaTeX expression and check for dangerous commands and add some instructions for proper rendering.
At first of all, you must install texlive
package, follow the instructions below to install TeX Live on Debian-based linux.
sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends texlive-full
Then compile mathtex
to binary, follow the instructions below.
git clone
cd go-mathtex/mathtex
make png \
BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin/mathtex \
PATH_CACHE=/var/lib/mathtex/cache/ \
This commands will compile mathtex to /usr/local/bin/mathtex
and also create two dirs /var/lib/mathtex/cache
and /var/lib/mathtex/work
. If you prefer to render SVG instead of PNG, then follow the instructions below.
git clone
cd go-mathtex/mathtex
make svg \
BIN_PATH=/usr/local/bin/mathtex \
PATH_CACHE=/var/lib/mathtex/cache/ \
go get
package main
import (
mathtex ""
func main() {
mathtex.MathtexPath = "/var/www/mathtex.cgi" // path to mathtex binary
mathtex.MathtexCachePath = "/var/www/cache/" // path to mathtex cache files
mathtex.MathtexWorkPath = "/var/www/work/" // path to mathtex work files
mathtex.MathtexMsgLevel = "0" // mathtex message level
mathtex.MathtexOutputExt = "png" // mathtex output file extenstion
expr := `x^2+y^2`
// Check for pre-rendered file
if filename, err := mathtex.CheckRenderCache(expr); err == nil {
log.Printf("Mathtex pre-rendered file: %s\n", filename)
// Pre-rendered file not found, try to render it
filename, err := mathtex.RenderImage(expr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalln("Mathtex error: " + err.Error())
log.Printf("Mathtex rendered file: %s\n", filename)