nodejs struct like C Language
To install:
npm install nstruct
var NStruct = require('nstruct');
var ns = new NStruct();
var buffer = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x01, 0x47, 0x6F, 0x64, 0x64, 0x01, 0xff]);
var template = {
id: 'UInt16',
name: 'Char[3]',
rank: 'UInt8',
pos: {x: 'UInt8',y: 'UInt8'}
var structInstance = ns.bufferToStruct(buffer, template);
var bufferInstance = ns.structToBuffer(structInstance, template);
Output: { id: 1, name: [ 'G', 'o', 'd' ], rank: 100, pos: { x: 1, y: 255 } } <Buffer 00 01 47 6f 64 64 01 ff>
type | bytes |
UInt8 | 1 |
UInt16 | 2 |
UInt32 | 4 |
Int8 | 1 |
Int16 | 2 |
Int32 | 4 |
Char | 1 |
Float | 4 |
Double | 8 |
Arrays are supported for all base types
eg: UInt8[2] Float[4]
Basic organization of data structures,like
id: 'UInt32',
name: 'Char[3]',
rank: 'Int8',
pos: [{ x: 'UInt8', y:'UInt8' },{ x: 'UInt8', y: 'UInt8' }]
sizeof(template) calculate bytes of template
offset(template, field) calculate field offset in template
bufferToStruct(buffer, template) convert to struct from buffer
structToBuffer(struct, template) convert to buffer from struct