✨ PI: Hongyang Chen(陈红阳) is currently a Senior Research Expert with Zhejiang Lab, China. He has authored or coauthored 150+ refereed journal and conference papers in the IEEE TKDE, TMC, TSP, JSAC, TCOM, SIGMOD, KDD, IJCAI, AAAI, NeurIPS, and has been granted 20+ PCT patents. His research interests include data-driven intelligent systems, graph machine learning, and LLM. He has been selected as the IEEE Distinguished Lecturer , IET Fellow. He received the ICDM 2023 best student paper award. He is an adjunct professor with Zhejiang University, China.
🔭 We are a passionate team of experts specializing in science and AI, particularly focused on large-scale models and graph neural networks.
💬 How to reach me: zhuquezhitu@zhejianglab.com
😄 Welcome to visit https://zhejiangzhuque.github.io