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Run Multical

zhixy edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 9 revisions

The entrance of Multical is multical_calibrate_sensors, which has several arguments, including:

  1. --bag, mandatory, the rosbag file containing sensors' measurement data used for calibration;
  2. --imus, optional, yaml files holding the noise parameters and topic names of the IMUs, don't set this argument when no IMU is waiting for calibration;
  3. --cams, mandatory, yaml files holding the intrinsic parameters and topic names of the cameras, it is mandatory because at least one camera is a must (at least for now, may be optional when IMU-LiDARs calibration is supported in the future);
  4. --lidars, optional, yaml files holding the parameters and topic names of the LiDARs, leave it empty when no LiDAR is waiting for calibration;
  5. --targets, mandatory, yaml files holding the parameters of the calibration targets;
  6. other arguments, excute multical_calibrate_sensors --help to learn the details.

Here is an example data for trying multical_calibrate_sensors.

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