├── app
│ ├── encrypt 数据加密key,当节点中配置`encrypt=true`的时候使用
│ ├── mode 启动模式 debug/release
│ ├── ip_mask 获取本地ip使用的掩码
│ ├── dependencies 服务启动时候的依赖服务,MAC/Linux 下生效
│ ├── options 服务启动的选型配置,MAC/Linux 下生效
├── registry 注册中心配置 URI格式
├── config 配置中心配置 URI格式
├── caches 缓存配置
│ └── 数组 {"proto":使用的协议,"addr":配置的类型和名称,URI 格式配置},
├── queues 消息队列配置
│ └── 数组 {"proto":使用的协议,"addr":配置的类型和名称,URI 格式配置},
├── dbs 数据库配置
│ └── 字典 "数据库名称":{"proto":"使用的协议","conn":"链接串",xxx},
├── servers 服务器列表
│ └── apiserver 服务名称,对应 api.New("服务名称")
│ ├────└──服务配置,各服务差异具体参看 server/服务类型/config.go 文件
├── nacos/redis/consul/等由contrib/节点名 对应配置的结构
使用性能强大的GIN引起作为服务的底层支持 (github.com/gin-gonic/gin)
在gin的基础,修改了部分源码,复用了gin的路由分发功能,使其可以作为 rpc ,mqc ,cron 的基础底座功能。
底层使用了GIN 框架作为http(s)服务的基础,在此基础上进行了服务注册,中间件的包装处理。默认注入recover ,log 两个中间件
通过定义通用的proto传输协议 ,将RPC调用的数据统一格式传输。传输的消息格式默认提供grpc格式,可以根据自己需要自行实现传输消息格式
统一的消息队列处理服务, 通过adapter模式集成各种消息队列外部组件. 默认支持 redis(list),redis(stream)
使用了时间轮算法对任务进行任务派发,通过cron 表达式来计算任务的执行。同时支持多程序主备自动切换功能
import (
_ "github.com/zhiyunliu/glue/transport"
// Server is transport server.
type Server interface {
Name() string
Type() string
Start(context.Context) error
Stop(context.Context) error
Config(cfg config.Config)
type demoServer struct{}
func (d demoServer) Name() string{
return "demo"
func (d demoServer) Type() string{
return "demo"
func (d demoServer) Start(context.Context) error{
return nil
func (d demoServer) Stop(context.Context) error{
return nil
func (d demoServer) Config(cfg config.Config){
func main() {
app := glue.NewApp( glue.Server(&demoServer{}))//装载自定义服务
type urlecoded struct {
func (u urlecoded) Marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, nil
func (u *urlecoded) Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
values, err := url.ParseQuery(string(data))
if err != nil {
return err
var mapdata = xtypes.XMap{}
for k := range values {
mapdata[k] = values.Get(k)
return mapdata.Scan(v)
func (u urlecoded) Name() string {
return "x-www-form-urlencoded"
// github.com/zhiyunliu/glue/encoding
样例(cron,mqc,rpc 有同样的方法):
apiSrv := api.New("cronserver", api.WithDecodeRequestFunc(func(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) error {
type symbol struct{}
func (s *symbol) Name() string {
return "#"
func (s *symbol) GetPattern() string {
return `\#\{\w*[\.]?\w+\}`
func (s *symbol) Callback(input tpl.DBParam, fullKey string, item *tpl.ReplaceItem) (string, xdb.MissParamError) {
propName := tpl.GetPropName(fullKey)
if ph, ok := item.NameCache[propName]; ok {
return ph, nil
argName, value, err := input.Get(propName, item.Placeholder)
if err != nil {
return argName, err
item.Names = append(item.Names, propName)
item.Values = append(item.Values, value)
item.NameCache[propName] = argName
return argName, nil
// github.com/zhiyunliu/glue/contrib/xdb
//注入sqlserver 数据库新的字符解析处理逻辑
tpl.RegisterSymbol("sqlserver", &symbol{})
select * from table t where t.name = @{name}
select * from table t where t.name = @{t.name}
select * from table t where t.name = @p_name
&{field} , &{t.field}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name = @p_name --参数存在
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and t.name = @p_name --参数存在
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id --参数不存在或者为空,空字符
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or name = @p_name --参数存在
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or t.name = @p_name --参数存在
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id --参数不存在或者为空,空字符
如:select * from table t where t.id = ${id}
select * from table t where t.id = 123 --123是id的参数值
&{like field} ,&{like %field}, &{like field%} ,&{like %field%}
&{like t.field} ,&{like %t.field}, &{like t.field%} ,&{like %t.field%}
|{like field} ,|{like %field}, |{like field%} ,|{like %field%}
|{like t.field} ,|{like %t.field}, |{like t.field%} ,|{like %t.field%}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{like name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{like %name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{like name%}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{like %name%}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{like name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{like %name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{like name%}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} |{like %name%}
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name like @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name like '%'+@p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name like @p_name+'%'
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name like '%'+@p_name+'%'
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or name like @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or name like '%'+@p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or name like @p_name+'%'
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id or name like '%'+@p_name+'%'
&{> field} ,&{>= field}, &{< field} ,&{<= field}
&{> t.field} ,&{>= t.field}, &{< t.field} ,&{<= t.field}
|{> field} ,|{>= field}, |{< field} ,|{<= field}
|{> t.field} ,|{>= t.field}, |{< t.field} ,|{<= t.field}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{> name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{>= name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{< name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{<= name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{> t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{>= t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{< t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @{id} &{<= t.name}
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name > @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name >= @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name < @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and name <= @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and t.name > @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and t.name >= @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and t.name < @p_name
select * from table t where t.id = @p_id and t.name <= @p_name
package main
import (
func main() {
apiSrv := api.New("apiserver")
apiSrv.Handle("/demo", func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"a": "1",
app := glue.NewApp(glue.Server(apiSrv))
//配置文件 config.json
package main
import (
_ "github.com/zhiyunliu/glue/contrib/registry/nacos" //注册中心
func main() {
rcpSrv := rpc.New("payserver")
rcpSrv.Handle("/demo", func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
ctx.Log().Infof("cron.demo:%s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
return nil
app := glue.NewApp(glue.Server(rcpSrv))
//配置文件 config.json
package main
import (
_ "github.com/zhiyunliu/glue/contrib/queue/redis"
func main() {
mqcSrv := mqc.New("mqc")
mqcSrv.Handle("yy",func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
ctx.Log().Infof("mqc.demo:%s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
return nil
app := glue.NewApp(glue.Server(mqcSrv))
//配置文件 config.json
{"cron":"@every 10s","service":"/demo/notrun","disable":true},
{"cron":"@every 5s","service":"/demo"},
{"cron":"@every 10s","service":"/demo","meta":{"a":"1","b":"2","c":"3"}},
{"cron":"@every 15s","service":"/demo/nonebody"},
{"cron":"@every 2s","service":"/demo/nonebody","immediately":true,"meta":{"immediately":"true"}}
package main
import (
func main() {
cronSrv := cron.New("cronserver")
cronSrv.Handle("/demo", &Fulldemo{})
app := glue.NewApp(glue.Server(cronSrv))
type Fulldemo struct{}
func (d *Fulldemo) Handle(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return "success"
func (d *Fulldemo) NoneBodyHandle(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return "NoneBody"
func (d *Fulldemo) NotRunHandle(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return "NotRun"
mqcSrv := mqc.New("mqc")
//xy:pay:demo 是消息队列
mqcSrv.Handle("xy:pay:demo",func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return nil
//cron,rpc 的方式与 api 一致
apiSrv := api.New("api")
apiSrv.Handle("/api/pay/create",func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
return nil
type srvdemo struct{}
func(s *srvdemo) Handle(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
func(s *srvdemo) DetailHandle(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
//rpc 的方式与 api 一致
apiSrv := api.New("api")
url:GET|POST /api/pay/create
url:GET|POST /api/pay/create/detail
type srvdemo struct{}
func(s *srvdemo) Handling(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
func(s *srvdemo) Handled(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
func(s *srvdemo) Handle(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
func(s *srvdemo) DetailHandle(ctx context.Context) interface{}{
return nil
//rpc 的方式与 api 一致
apiSrv := api.New("api")
url:GET|POST /api/pay/create
url:GET|POST /api/pay/create/detail
cacheObj := glue.Cache("cachename") //cachename 对应config.json 文件中节点:caches/cachename
cacheObj.Set(ctx.Context(), "name", "value", -1)
queObj := glue.Queue("queuename") //queuename 对应config.json 文件中节点:queues/queuename
queObj.Send(ctx.Context(), "queuekey", queue.MsgItem{})
dlock := glue.DLocker().Build("")
succ, err := dlock.Acquire(3) //锁定,超时时间3秒
dlock.Release() //释放
dlock.Renewal(5) //续期 5秒
httpObj := glue.Http("httpname") //httpname 对应config.json 文件中节点:xhttp/httpname
httpResp, err := httpObj.Request(ctx.Context(), "xhttp://servername/a/b/c", map[string]string{})
rpcObj := glue.RPC("rpcname") //rpcname 对应config.json 文件中节点:rpcs/rpcname
rpcResp, err := rpcObj.Request(ctx.Context(), "grpc://servername/apipath", map[string]string{})
系统启动会检查 ../conf 是否存在logger.json 配置文件。如果不存在则以默认方式创建一个配置文件
"content":"[%time][%l][%session][%idx] %content"
"content":"[%time][%l][%session][%idx] %content"
levels = [
func main() {
rcpSrv := rpc.New("payserver")
rcpSrv.Handle("/demo", func(ctx context.Context) interface{} {
//使用当前请求的session 打印日志。在一个请求中的所有日志都有相同的sessionid
ctx.Log().Infof("rcpSrv.demo:%s", time.Now().Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05"))
log.Debugf("debug:%s", "debug")
log.Infof("Info:%s", "Info")
log.Warnf("Warn:%s", "Warn")
log.Errorf("Error:%s", "Error")
log.Panicf("panic:%s", "panic")
return nil
app := glue.NewApp(glue.Server(rcpSrv))
[10:40:41.988319][i][d90f919fd735435b][1] serviceApp start:apiserver-sample
[10:40:41.991298][i][d90f919fd735435b][3] API Server [apiserver] listening on
[10:40:41.988319][i][d90f919fd735435b][2] serviceApp init completed
[10:40:42.993497][i][d90f919fd735435b][4] API Server [apiserver] start completed
[10:40:43.023944][i][d90f919fd735435b][5] pprof trace addr
[10:40:45.032419][i][d90f919fd735435b][6] serviceApp start:apiserver-sample completed