Zookeeper Edit UI / ZK UI / ZKUI, A OpenSource Web Face Based JavaEE Tech 4 Zookeeper Management.
Requires Java7 or newer to run.
- mvn clean install
- Copy the config.properties into the folder with the jar file. Modify it to point to the zookeeper instance/cluster.
- Multiple zookeeper instances(namely zookeeper cluster members) are comma separated. eg: server1:2181,server2:2181.
- Run the jar. (type "java -jar zookeeper-edit-V0.1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar &")
- http://localhost:9090
username: admin, password: manager (Admin privileges, CRUD operations supported)
username: zkedit, password: zkedit (Readonly privileges, Read operations supported only)
And you can change this in the config.properties
- Embedded Jetty Server.
- Freemarker template.
- H2 DB.
- Active JDBC.
- SLF4J.
- Zookeeper.
- Apache Commons File upload.
- Bootstrap.
- Jquery.
- Flyway DB migration.
- CRUD operation on zookeeper properties.
- Export properties.
- Import properties via call back url.
- Import properties via file upload.
- History of changes + Path specific history of changes.
- Search feature.
- Rest API for accessing Zookeeper properties.
- Basic Role based authentication.
- LDAP authentication supported.
- Root node /zookeeper hidden for safety.
- ACLs are not yet fully supported
ZKEditUI(zookeeper-edit) is released under the MIT license. Comments, bugs, pull requests, and other contributions are all welcomed!