A PyTorch implementation of the “Graph Network-based Simulators” (GNS) model (Learning to simulate complex physics with graph networks, ICML 2020) from DeepMind for simulating particle-based dynamics using graph networks.
This repo uses purely PyTorch's native APIs, and is a re-implementation of the official one (which is wrapped by the infamous TF Estimator and relies on several external libraries, making it impossible to play with).
Set up conda env and install dependencies:
conda env create -f environment.yml
Download datasets and convert to pytorch-friendly format:
bash download_dataset.sh WaterRamps tfdatasets/
python extract_tfrs.py --data-path tfdatasets/WaterRamps
rm -rf tfdatasets/WaterRamps
Training with tensorboard logging and model saving:
python train.py --cfg configs/dmwater.yaml --exp-name dmwater
Tensorboard log files are saved under logs/{exp-name}
Evaluate using saved checkpoint:
python eval.py --cfg configs/dmwater.yaml --ckpt ckpts/dmwater/iter_25000.path.tar --data-dir WaterRamps/test
Rollout visualization gifs are saved under eval_vis/
Example results after 2 million training steps: