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GPUMDkit is a toolkit for the GPUMD (Graphics Processing Units Molecular Dynamics) program. It provides a set of tools to streamline the use of common scripts in GPUMD and NEP (neuroevolution potential), simplifying workflows and enhancing efficiency.


  • Simplified Script Invocation: Easily run scripts for GPUMD and NEP.
  • Workflow Automation: Automate common tasks to save time and reduce manual intervention.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive shell commands designed to enhance user experience.


To install GPUMDkit, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository or download the whole project.

  2. Set the GPUMD_path and GPUMDkit_path variables in your ~/.bashrc file, for example:

    vi ~/.bashrc

    add these two variables

    export GPUMD_path=/your_dir_of_GPUMD
    export GPUMDkit_path=/your_dir_of_GPUMDkit

    add GPUMDkit_path to the PATH

    export PATH=/your_dir_of_GPUMDkit:${PATH}

    or move the file to a directory in your PATH, for example:

    mv ~/bin/


    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Add executable permissions to the file:

    chmod +x


To update your local copy of GPUMDkit, simply run this command:

chmod -x; git pull; chmod +x


There are two options, interactive mode and command-line mode

Interactive Mode

  1. Open your terminal.

  2. Execute the script:
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to interactively select and run the desired script.

            ____ ____  _   _ __  __ ____  _    _ _
           / ___|  _ \| | | |  \/  |  _ \| | _(_) |_
          | |  _| |_) | | | | |\/| | | | | |/ / | __|
          | |_| |  __/| |_| | |  | | |_| |   <| | |_
           \____|_|    \___/|_|  |_|____/|_|\_\_|\__|
          GPUMDkit Version 1.0.6 (dev) (2025-02-26)
          Developer: Zihan YAN (
    ----------------------- GPUMD -----------------------
    1) Format Conversion          2) Sample Structures
    2) Workflow (dev)             4) Calculators         
    5) Developing ...             6) Developing ...      
    0) Quit!
    Input the function number:

Command-Line Mode

For users familiar with the GPUMDkit , the command-line mode allows for faster execution by directly passing arguments to Here are some examples:

Example 1: View help information -h

the help information:

|                              GPUMDkit 1.0.6 (dev) (2025-02-26) Usage                             |
|                                                                 --- by Zihan YAN                 |
+======================================== Conversions =============================================+
| -outcar2exyz   Convert OUTCAR to extxyz       | -pos2exyz     Convert POSCAR to extxyz           |
| -castep2exyz   Convert castep to extxyz       | -pos2lmp      Convert POSCAR to LAMMPS           |
| -cp2k2exyz     Convert cp2k output to extxyz  | -lmp2exyz     Convert LAMMPS-dump to extxyz      |
| -addgroup      Add group label                | -addweight    Add weight to the struct in extxyz |
| Developing...                                 | Developing...                                    |
+========================================= Analysis ===============================================+
| -range         Print range of energy etc.     | -max_rmse     Get max RMSE from XYZ              |
| -min_dist      Get min_dist between atoms     | -min_dist_pbc Get min_dist considering PBC       |
| -filter_box    Filter struct by box limits    | -filter_value Filter struct by value (efs)       |
| -filter_dist   Filter struct by min_dist      | Developing...                                    |
+=========================================    Misc  ==============+================================+
| -plt           Plot scripts                   | -get_frame     Extract the specified frame       |
| -calc          Calculators                    | -clear_xyz     Clear extra info in XYZ file      |
| -clean         Clear files for work_dir       | -time          Time consuming Analyzer           |
| Developing...                                 | Developing...                                    |
| For detailed usage and examples, use: -<option> -h                                   |
Example 2: Convert VASP OUTCARs to extxyz

To convert a VASP OUTCARs to an extended XYZ format (extxyz) file, use the following command: -out2xyz <dir_of_OUTCARs>

Example: -out2xyz .
Example 3: Plot thermo evolution

To visualize thermo evolution from thermo.out : -plt thermo

You can also save images as PNG if your device doesn't support visualization: -plt thermo save

Refer to the Usage Instructions for more detailed examples and command options.

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Let’s build something amazing together! 🌟


As of now, GPUMDkit is a toy model, free for anyone to use and experiment with. If you like it, please ⭐ star us on GitHub. Thanks for your support!