This is the base git project for group 01 of IE498 HFT in Spring 2022. Demo Video Link
Yihong Jian - (Team Leader)
Ruipeng Han -
Zihan Zhou -
Tomoyoshi (Tommy) Kimura -
Standard development environment is provided using vagrant box.
- Strategy Studio
- Python 3.7.11
- Additional Packages should be included in
- Additional Packages should be included in
- Virtual Machine Setup
- Virtual Box
- Vagrant
- Box file
Please create a issue for additional softwares so that we can put it in vagrant provisioning.
Download and install Virtual Box and Vagrant.
Git clone
git clone cd group_01_project
Create a folder called dependencies with three files
- Our vagrant box
- Your Strategy Studio license
- Strategy Studio command options.
├── dependencies ├── ├── lincense.txt └── cmd_config.txt
Obtain Alpaca API key and secret from Alpaca and update
Execute the bash file
This will
- Download and parse the source data from Alpaca
- Run backtestings on these data using the strategies
- Generate analysis through visualizations
All the data parser (Nasdaq/IEX/alpaca) should be placed under parser
Implementation should follow the interface in
Please download all the dependencies with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- We directly imported Professor's IEX downloader/parser as a submodule of our project so we can conveniently retrive IEX data.
- This parser downloads and parses IEX DEEP and trade data into the "Depth Update By Price" and "Trade Message" format in Strategy Studio, respectively.
- The original repository can be found here.
Direct to the IexDownloaderParser directory
cd parser/IexDownloaderParser
and run./
to download the source IEX deep data (.gz format). To retrieve data in a specific range of dates, open and edit the, only modifies the start-date and end-date arguments:python3 src/ --start-date 2021-11-15 --end-date 2021-11-16 --download-dir data/iex_downloads
Note that git-submodules need to be pulled separately, detailed instruction for pulling git-submodule can be found here
Check that the downloaded raw IEX DEEP dat files should be stored at
to parse IEX deep data. Result will be stored underiexdownloaderparsers/data/text_tick_data
with the foramttick_SYMBOL_YYYYMMDD.txt.gz
.To specify the company symbols, edit the
. The default is SPY only. You can add more companys:gunzip -d -c $pcap | tcpdump -r - -w - -s 0 | $PYTHON_INTERP src/ /dev/stdin --symbols SPY,APPL,GOOG,QQQ --trade-date $pcap_date --output-deep-books-too
The parsed data is in
format. We want to extract it and save it to a.txt
file which can be feed into Strategy Studio. Run the following command underiexdownloaderparsers/data/text_tick_data
(please change your symbol and dates accordingly):gunzip -d -c tick_SPY_20171218.txt.gz | awk -F',' '$4 == "P" {print $0}' > tick_SPY_20171218.txt
This command extracts the data and rows where the fourth column is "P", which corresponds to the format of "Depth Update By Price (OrderBook data)" in Strategy Studio.
If instead you want to retrive only the trade data, simply change "P" to "T" in the above command, which is following:
gunzip -d -c tick_SPY_20171218.txt.gz | awk -F',' '$4 == "T" {print $0}' > tick_SPY_20171218.txt
(or your custom data file) is ready to feed in SS.
- We implemented a NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH 5.0 parser in C. We have implemented the parser according to the rules and requirements of NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH 5.0 speicifcation; specifically, we used we use the bswap macros to do the conversion from binary/raw data to texts. The data-decoding part is tedious and non-trivial; with limited time and less usage on order book data, we only implemented the parse to parse only traded data from NASDAQ among a total 23 supported message types.
- For ease of use, we included a makefile in the parse directory so users can simply make and run.
Direct to the
directory (cd parser/nasdaq_parser
) in where the makefile is located, and runmake
. This should generate an executable of the parser namednasdaq_parser
. -
Run the nasdaq_parser with the following arguments:
./nasdaq_parser [input_file_path] [output_folder_path] [Message type = T]
Please notice that current Nasdaq parser can only parse trade data, so the last argument should be set to T.
The parsed trade message will be outputed to the specified directory in the format of csv. These files are ready to be used by Strategy Studio for backtesting.
Alpaca market data API provides historical data from all US exchanges which account for 100% market volume.
Alpaca parser is implemented in python, with two utitlity endpoints consists of get_trade
and get_quote
Alpaca parser is built with the help of sdk provided by alpaca specification and instruction
In our project, we are using trade
data to built order book in strategy_studio, since alpaca quote data is initialized to be NBBO which involved two trade centers, but strategy_studio only accept quote data from one trade center.
├── alpaca_parser
Alpaca data parser requires dependency of
library. -
Specifically, we have provided a simple bash file for automatic parsing. Inside
bash file
. After specifing variable inpython3.7 /home/vagrant/Desktop/ [tick_name] [yyyymmdd] [yyyymmdd] --mode=[T] --output='/home/vagrant/Desktop/strategy_studio/backtesting/text_tick_data'
it would downloadtick_name
market data start formstartdate
by calling aplaca historical data api../
Altenatively, running with
would download accodinglyquote
├── ...
├── ...
├── strategy
│ ├── ArbStrategy
├── ArbStrategy.cpp
└── ArbStrategy.h
│ ├── BLSFStrategy
├── BLSFStrategy.cpp
└── BLSFStrategy.h
│ ├── MeanReversionStrategy
├── MeanReversionStrategy.cpp
└── MeanReversionStrategy.h
│ ├── SwingStrategy
├── SwingStrategy.cpp
└── SwingStrategy.h
│ └──
├── ...
We have four strategies implemented: Arbitage Strategy, Buy Last Sell First, Mean Reversion Strategy, and Swing Strategy.
- This is a trading strategy that traces two market ticks, using one of the tick(here chosen 'SPY') as a signal tick, and conduct its trending analysis to determine buying or selling decisions of the other trading tick.
- This is a trading strategy that buys at the end of the day, and sell in the beginning of a day if it is profitable.
- This is a trading strategy that keeps track of the previous price and determine whether to buy or sell by comparing the current price with the previous mean (reversion).
- This is a trading strategy that assumes the market price would fall after buying/selling at the maximum/minimum swing of the market.
- Move these files (
.cpp, .h, Makefile
) into Strategy Studios - We have provided the script file
that compiles the strategy, moves the strategy output file to the desired location in Strategy Studio, and start the backtest command line in Strategy Studio. - When Strategy Studio finishes backtesting, our script would then export these files into
├── ...
├── ...
├── strategy
├── ...
For analysis, we would like to know the statistics of our strategy. There are various metrics that we would like to evaluate on our result. Strategy Studio outputs three files: fills, orders, and PnL (Profit and Loss). For analysis, we would mainly focus on PnL since the net loss is what we care about the most as traders.
The PnL file generated is a
file with three columns: Strategy name, Time, and Cumulative PnL. For interpretation, we would analyze the PnL based on several metrics. -
For visualization, we would like to visualize the Profit and Loss against Time, as well as a comparison with the Tick data.
- Direct to
directory (cd ./analysis
) - Simply run
would run visualization by using the latest three files (Fill, Order, and PnL). This will generate figures and store in./figs/
directory. - There is also an interactive version by runing
python3 -i
and follows the promot.- Interactive mode would ask you to add strategy by entering the
of the strategyID
of the strategy output if the strategy is ran multiple timesTicks
of the strategy, or the symbol, for example:SPY
- When we enter no for adding strategy, the interactive mode would also outputs the measurement table with each strategy statistics as a column
- Interactive mode would ask you to add strategy by entering the
├── ...
├── ...
├── documenation
├── figs
├── ...
├── ...
- Code Sanity
- Python code will be checked by
under PEP8 standard. - C++ files will be checked by
under Googel CPP standard
- Python code will be checked by