This release is also available on:
1.17.0 (2020-11-17)
- api: completely explore and type out /player endpoint and update testing to validate (9e674bd)
- api: expand typing to the player.stats.Bedwars object (4a469af)
- api: update player schema to include more social links (2d43066)
- helpers: add Bedwars helper for level / prestige info (485c010)
- helpers: add NetworkLevel helper and add licensing information for the work (21e2342)
- helpers: revise skyblock item data into minecraft item data and added usage example for pit (398f3a9)
Bug Fixes
- helpers: add rank and plus color as they are separate (c61aba0)
- package: removed redundant line (f21ef7f)
Code Refactoring
- helpers: remove NonNullable due to earlier changes making it redundant (648e476)
- helpers: add description for network level helper. (e1508a7)
- helpers: add documentation for Bedwars helper (90f0408)
- helpers: add documentation for network level (c9f2cdd)
- helpers: add bedwarslevelinfo test and trim fat (2883d57)