146 commits
to refs/heads/master
since this release
Version 2.8.1 has an important bugfix that prevents partitions from being consumed twice in some circumstances (#1294). Many thanks to @ytalashko for finding the root cause, providing a fix, and tirelessly discussing the problem until it was fully understood and the fix applied.
🚀 Noteworthy changes
- Fix assign followed by fast revoke during rebalance @ytalashko (#1294)
- Add alternative fetch strategy for many partitions @erikvanoosten (#1281)
- Document metrics and consumer tuning based on metrics @erikvanoosten (#1280)
🚅 More changes
- Prevent users from enabling auto commit @erikvanoosten (#1290)
- Alternative producer implementation @erikvanoosten (#1285)
- Small improvements to the Producer @erikvanoosten (#1272)
- Improve example app @erikvanoosten (#1279)
🌱 Maintenance
- Update sbt-tpolecat to 0.5.2 @zio-scala-steward (#1301)
- Update embedded-kafka to @zio-scala-steward (#1300)
- Update logback-classic to 1.5.7 @zio-scala-steward (#1299)
- Update zio-streams, zio-test-sbt to 2.1.7 @zio-scala-steward (#1297)
- Update zio, zio-streams, zio-test, ... to 2.1.7 @zio-scala-steward (#1295)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.3 @zio-scala-steward (#1291)
- Update README.md @zio-assistant (#1278)
- Update README.md @zio-assistant (#1277)
- Update zio-kafka, zio-kafka-testkit to 2.8.0 @zio-scala-steward (#1274)
- Update zio-streams, zio-test-sbt to 2.1.6 @zio-scala-steward (#1275)