FDD is a simple service that reads from a Fronius web API and delivers the data to an InfluxDB.
This application can be run standalone from Linux or Windows command line.
If not possible to install as a service you could schedule i to run using cron
on linux and Scheduler
on Windows.
Before starting, verify settings in config.json
. That file must lie in the active working directory, that is usualy in the same directory as the binary unless explicitly changed.
Commands avaliable to control service:
- start
- stop
- restart
- install
- uninstall
Must be run as an administrator.
fdd.exe -service install
fdd.exe -service uninstall
Most values for GetPowerFlowRealtimeData, per site and inverter. Most values for GetMeterRealtimeData, per instance found under Data.
How you could see logged values.
$ influx -precision rfc3339
> show databases
> create database mydb
> use mydb
Using database mydb
> insert cpu,host=RPi value=0.64
> select * from "fronius"
Install Binary Distribution Let’s say we wanted to get the latest version, we would have to install the official binary distribution.
We first go to https://golang.org/dl/ and select a compatible release according to our OS
go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz Let us open our terminal download our file and extract it in our current directory.
wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo tar -xvf go1.11.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar : stores/extracts files from the archive x : extracts the file from target v : verbosly list files process f : use archive file Now we have a folder /go on our current directory. Let us move it to /usr/local/
sudo mv go /usr/local
Set Enviroments Our last step is to add our global variables on our .bahsrc or .profile file.
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
scroll down and add these to your .bashrc profile
# Go Global variables
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
To save it Ctrl + o, and to exit nano Ctrl + x
update current session
source ~/.bashrc
go version
// go version go1.11.5 linux/amd64