Rock Paper Scissor game (Limited)
It's a Rock,Paper,Scissor game but with differents rules that built using java. read game details below .
git clone
cd RockPaperScissor
mvn package
mvn exec:java
docker pull zmilad97/rps-game:latest
docker run -p 6060:6060 -p 4567:4567 zmilad97/rps-game:latest
players can connect to the server using " telnet " in any terminal simulator default port is 6060 if you run on localhost you can use below codes
telnet localhost 6060
Players have limited cards of each rock, paper and scissor and all cards count shows before every game Each player has 3 lives.
The Player lost if he left with 0 life or ran out of cards and his life was under 3.
Player win if he has 3 or more lives and ran out of cards or all player left and he has 3 or more lives.