Mini Restaurant Finder web app project for Alpha Camp Semester 3
This mini web project is a website for searching restaurants in Taipei, Taiwan and displaying relevant details.1
This project is established on Node.js, Express, and Handlebars.
- Node.js: For creating a local server and a script designing server actions
- Express: For setting up routing rules for directing users to specific webpages
- Handlebars: For creating reusable webpage templates
To run this project, take the steps using the console:
- Download this project from GitHub:
git clone restaurant_list
Go to the restaurant_list folder.
Install Express using the console:
npm install express
- Install Handlebars
npm -i express-handlebars
- Launch the local server:
node app.js
- Open a web browser and enter the URL:
- Now you can use the web app to view and search restaurants.
- The homepage lists all recorded restaurants and provides the restaurants' names, categories, and user ratings.
- Enter a keyword (English or Chinese) in the top search field.
- Press Enter or click the magnifying glass to find matched restaurants.
- Click on a desired restaurant to show its defailed information (e.g., telephone, address, and description).
1: The restaurant profiles and the project as well as the screenshot are only for educational purpose, with no intention of copyright infringement.