This sample application serves as a boilerplate Flask app for interacting with the Zoom API. It implements the Server-to-Server OAuth flow to generate access tokens and make authorized API calls to Zoom.
The use of this sample app is subject to our Terms of Use
To use this app, ensure you have the following:
- Python 3.8+
- Flaskk 2.0+
- Server to Server Oauth app
- Zoom API Account Admin privileges
Server-to-Server OAuth: Easily authenticate your application and securely generate access tokens. Flask Framework: Built with Flask, this app provides a lightweight and efficient way to handle web requests.
Create a server-to-server OAuth app: Before cloning the repository, set up your app and get your credentials. For questions on this, reference the docs on creating a server-to-server app. Make sure you activate the app. Follow our set up documentation or this video for a more complete walk through.
Add scopes to your app. Under the meeting section, add the following scopes:
- meeting:write:meeting:admin
- meeting:read:meeting:admin
- meeting:update:meeting:admin
- meeting:delete:meeting:admin
- meeting:read:list_past_participants:admin
Under the webinar section, add the following scopes:
- webinar:read:webinar:admin
- webinar:write:webinar:admin
- webinar:update:webinar:admin
- webinar:delete:webinar:admin
- webinar:read:list_panelists:admin
Under the user section, add the following scopes:
- user:read:list_users:admin
- user:read:user:admin
- user:write:user:admin
- user:read:settings:admin
- user:update:settings:admin
Note: If you add additional API routes to this starter app, you may need to add the corresponding scopes. You can find a list of the available granular scopes in our API reference.
Open your terminal and run the following command:
$ git clone
In terminal, navigate into repository:
$ cd server-to-server-python
Install the app dependencies:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file in the root directory. Copy the values from the .env.example file and fill in your Server-to-Server OAuth app credentials from the Zoom Marketplace:
touch .env
⚠️ Do not store credentials in plain text on production environments
- Run the app:
Once the app is running, it wlll be available to test at, and you will be able to make requests to the Zoom APIs.
To test, open up a terminal or a tool like Postman or Insomnia and send a GET request to If everything's set up correctly, this will return a list of all the users on your account.
Your server now provides the following API Routes:
Meeting Routes
- GET /meetings/:meeting_id
- POST /users/:user_id/meetings
- PATCH /meetings/:meeting_id
- DELETE /meeting/:meeting_id
- GET /meetings/:meeting_id/participants
Webinar Routes
- GET /webinars/:webinar_id
- POST /users/:user_id/webinars
- PATCH /webinars/:webinar_id
- DELETE /webinars/:webinar_id
- GET /webinars/:webinar_id/panelists
User Routes
- GET /users
- GET /users/:user_id
- POST /users
- GET /users/:user_id/settings
- PATCH /users/:user_id/settings
To add new routes, create a new file in the routes directory, load and access environment variables, and create a Blueprint for the new routes before defining them. Finally, import all the routes into your file and register with the Blueprint.