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Record Linkage

Anastasios Zouzias edited this page Sep 17, 2016 · 1 revision

Here is an example of record linkage between two datasets. One dataset is the prefix of country names, whereas the second dataset is all countries. See approxCountries and countries, respectively below.


See also prefix linkage or fuzzy linkage

Examples with "real-world" datasets are available below:

To run all the above examples, you should provide the spark-csv jars. See the ./ script.

Example usage

We assume that you started spark-shell with spark-lucenerdd's assembly JAR loaded.

First, define a set of prefixes for countries.

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val approxCountries = Array("gree", "germa", "spa", "ita")
val approxCountriesRDD: RDD[String] = sc.parallelize(approxCountries)

Second, load the list of all country names and instantiate a LuceneRDD object, which instantiates a Lucene index per Spark executor.

 import org.zouzias.spark.lucenerdd.LuceneRDD
val countries = sc.parallelize(Source.fromFile("src/test/resources/countries.txt").getLines()
val luceneRDD = LuceneRDD(countries)

Finally, there is one more input required for the record linkage, i.e., specify how to link the approxCountries with all countries. To do so, you require to define a function

val prefixLinker = (country: String) => {

Now, to link the two above RDD's do:

val linked =, prefixLinker, 10)

where linked has type RDD[(String, List[SparkScoreDoc])]

To see the results,

(gree,List(SparkScoreDoc(1.0,24,0,Text fields:_1:[greece]), SparkScoreDoc(1.0,25,0,Text fields:_1:[greenland])))
(germa,List(SparkScoreDoc(1.0,21,0,Text fields:_1:[germany])))
(spa,List(SparkScoreDoc(1.0,22,0,Text fields:_1:[spain])))
(ita,List(SparkScoreDoc(1.0,44,0,Text fields:_1:[italy])))
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