Dieses Projekt wird nicht mehr gewartet und ist veraltet. Es wird keine weitere Unterstützung oder Aktualisierungen geben.
Bitte verwende das Repository unter https://github.com/zreptil/nightscout-reporter-angular für die aktuelle Version von Nightscout Reporter.
A web app based on AngularDart to create PDF documents from nightscout data.
It uses the api from cgm-remote-monitor to access the nightscout data and creates some PDFs for handing out to diabetes doctors or coaches.
Current Dart-SDK version: 2.12.4
Note: Other versions might not work due to incompatible dependencies.
Online version available at: https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/
Compiled project avaialbe at: https://nightscout-reporter.zreptil.de/nightscout-reporter_local.zip
Initial steps to compile, deploy, and run nightscout reporter on your own infrastructure.
- Download or git clone the repository
- Download an install dart sdk in the stated version (see above) to "C:\tools\dart-sdk"
- Download the compiled version and extract it
- Call build.bat from the repository folder in cmd
- Result will be avaialbe in .\build directory
- Copy pdfmake from the downloaded zip to the build folder
- Open .\build\settings.json and set the
and "urlPlayground" option to the location of your pdfmake installation:
- Get a web server (or online web space) with php support
- Copy content of .\build to the content folder of your web server (or any subfolder)
You can run your own nightscout-reporter instance by calling the URL of your web-server in a browser.
When hosting on an IIS you need to add the following to the web.config to enable the url for Night Watch at http://your-domain.de/path-to-reporter/watch.
<rule name="watch" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="^watch$" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="?watch" />
If anybody knows what to add on other hosting systems just let me know and i will add it here. The technical basis is, that the url nightscout-reporter/watch has to be mapped to nightscout-reporter?watch without causing an illegal page error. With this, it is possible to add nightscout reporter as a WebApp to Windows or to the startscreen of an android phone or iphone.