While starting my own blog on my journey from mainframe to public cloud
i ran into issues when i tried to deploy and configure Staticman on Heroku.
It is quite possible that the root cause of those problems is sitting in front of the screen, but after not making
any progress for 2 days i gave up and implemented my own version.
Like Staticman, the application exposes a simple REST API that accepts POST requests from github pages.
The service extracts the request payload, creates a markup file in a new directory under $GITHUB_COMMENT_DIRECTORY
and finally commits the file to the configured github repository.
I deployed the systemd-managed service on a Raspberry Pi.
Clone this repository and install the required packages into a .venv environment :
python3 -m venv <venv-directory>
. <venv-directory>/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The 'gitpython' package depends on a locally installed git client. Install that with your package manager. Unless you already did so, create a git config file :
$ cat > ~/.gitconfig << EOT
email = <GITHUB EMAIL>
defaultBranch = main
rebase = false
Edit the file
Variable | Value | Description |
GITHUB_PAGES_URL | "https://zubeax.github.io" | |
GITHUB_ACCOUNT | "zubeax" | |
GITHUB_BOT_ACCOUNT | "zubeax-bot" | |
GITHUB_BOT_TOKENFILE | "./token" | relative to project root. Grants the bot account repo write-access |
GITHUB_REPO_REMOTE | "https://{username}:{token}@github.com/{account}/{pagesrepo}" | don't change ! |
GITHUB_REPO_LOCAL | "./repo" | relative to project root |
GITHUB_COMMENT_DIRECTORY | "_data/comments" | relative to GITHUB_REPO_LOCAL |
Change the repository url for your Github Pages repository, your personal account and the bot account used to commit
comments. The bot account requires just another sign-up at Github. Once it has been provisioned, invite the bot account
from your personal account for collaboration. Done.
Using a bot account prevents any malfunction in pyStatikMan from messing with any of your other repos.
Generate an access token for the bot account (Settings/Developer Settings/Personal Access Token/Tokens (classic)). Hit the 'Generate new token (classic)' button and select the 'repo' and 'user' scopes for the token. Copy/Paste the token into the file configured as GITHUB_BOT_TOKENFILE.
Initialize the database with
python3 ./run.py --init
then start the server with
python3 ./run.py --run
Initialize the database with
python3 ./run.py --init
then start the server with
cd pyStatikMan
gunicorn --bind= --timeout 600 --log-level debug pystatikman:app
After provisioning my own domain (smooth-sailing.net) i was able to use Let's Encrypt's Certbot CLI to create proper certificates. They are referred to in the keyfile/certfile parameters of the gunicorn start command below.
Define a service control file
cat > /etc/systemd/system/pystatikman.service << EOT
ExecStart=gunicorn --bind= --timeout=600 --log-level=debug --ssl-version=TLSv1_3 --keyfile=./tls/privkey.pem --certfile=./tls/cert.pem pystatikman:app
then enable and start the service :
systemctl reload-daemon
systemctl enable pystatikman
systemctl start pystatikman