A Windows desktop application for decoding meteorological upper-air sounding messages made with PyQt5, Python, and Qt Desig.
Users can open txt files that contain sounding data and the raw code will be automatically inserted in the input text field.
or copying from websites that upload soundings and pasting it on the input text field also works.
Before decoding the data, = should be omitted at the end. This is to ensure that Sea Surface Data are decoded properly and not return an Invalid result.
Some buttons are disabled if the input text field is empty. Errors will be raised once an incorrect format and syntax is detected.
A dialog window containing the result will appear once Decode is clicked.
This can be saved as an xlsx file, and can be opened with spreadsheet programs.
References for analysing the sounding results especially the Solar, Radiosonde, Tracking System, and Cloud data are included in the release package of the software. The Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 3 is also available here.
Icons are from Yusuke Kamiyamane's Fugue Icon set, FlatIcons and Freepik.