This dashlet allows to configure complex Alfresco querys and filters in user and site panels. The dashlet has several operational modes:
- Mode 0: Just configuring filters such as path, categories, tags and mimetype.
- Mode 1: Selecting a saved query from Data Dictionary
- Mode 2: Typing a Lucene query
- Document Type
- Path
- Multiple categories
- Multiple tags
- Mimetype
You may also limit the number of results, and order them by typical metadata (i.e: cm:modified and ascending or descending).
You can use the dashlet in the user / site panels defining a custom search with the different filters. For example, some invoice scanned files are tagged with project and invoice in document library and you want to configure a dashlet for filtering project invoices in Site Demo. The result of the dashlet (in the detailed view) will be something like:
And the corresponding configuration options for the dashlet:
The custom search dashlet allows to have preconfigured searches in /Data Dictionary/Dynamic Queries folder. First, you need to create this folder where you can create subfolder-based structures, for defining sets of queries for different final users, using ACL permissions.
- Group query 1 (folder)
- Query 1 (folder):
- Group query 2 (folder)
- Query 2 (folder)
For Query 1:
- Set folder name "Public and Shared"
- Set folder description +ASPECT:"qshare:shared"
When available, the dashlet configuration shows a combo with the configured custom queries.
In this mode, you need to type your custom query in Lucene syntax, for example: +ASPECT:"qshare:shared"
HINT: An screenshot for Mode 1 and 2 is shown in:
You may pack it with jar command. Go into the directory that you unzipped, or cloned via git:
$ git clone
$ cd zk-custom-search-dashlet
$ jar -cf zk-custom-search-dashlet.jar *
There is available an ant file (build.xml) for packaging. In this case, just type:
$ git clone
$ ant
You should see the generated jar inside target directory.
Install it, copying the corresponding jar into $TOMCAT/shared/lib and restart Alfresco service
You may add your custom content types in (to be shown in the Document Types combo in dashlet configuration):
- Enable Mode 1 (Saved searches)
- Enable Mode 2 (Direct Lucene Syntax)
- In mode 1: Use smart query syntax for saved saved searches
- In mode 1: Create Data Dictionary structure for dynamic queries (ACP bootstrap
- Test, test, test
- FIXED: Disabled modes 1 and 2
- FIXED: Alphabetically mimetype values ordering
- Use Alfresco Maven SDK
- Separate in two AMPs
The dashlet should work in Alfresco 4.2 and above. It was used (tested) in:
- Alfresco CE 4.2.c
- Alfresco 201602GA
- Alfresco 201701GA
- Alfresco EE 4.1.5
- Alfresco EE 4.2.4
- Alfresco EE 5.0.3
- Alfresco EE 5.1.2
- Patricia Yague
- Irune Prado
- Cesar Capillas