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Releases: 133794m3r/itp298_capstone

Minor bug fixes fixed.

03 May 13:40
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Fial ever. I don't care if anything else is broken. All work will be done on new repo.

Binaries are x64 Linux and Windows.

The next to final ever release in this repo.

02 May 16:00
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Not going to fully archive the repo in case some security bug is ever found. Im going to be done with this repo. It's basically my own code anyways. Going to update all copyrights and finish on my own.

Due to a major lack of caring from the collaborator this is the final release. The repo is done. I'm going to rewrite all of the code that they wrote(will barely take an hour) and finish it on my own.

Input validation for saves/minor issues fixed.

01 May 22:02
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This release is more of an addendum of the previous one with just bug fixes hence the very minor bump in version numbers. Windows still has the display issue. No windows binary at this time.

Windows ruins the world AGAIN!

01 May 04:08
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Windows binaries work but don't look well. have to figure out what the hell Microsoft is doing with their terminal as it's supposed to be behaving exactly like a proper termainal due to the handler settings.

Source code may or not may not build on windows right now. I can't remember if I fixed that in master. I'll check it later though.