Releases: 7Cav/cScripts
Releases · 7Cav/cScripts
- Added Custom Zeus moduls for mission control (#37)
- Added Setting for Zeus Modules in cfgSettings (default 1) (#37)
- Added CBA mission script library (#49)
- Added new function cScripts_fnc_attachVehicleLabel (It handle Striker texture as well as the UH60 label.) (#47)
- Added additional flag for cScripts_fnc_flag (#30)
- Added Squad Insignia 2/1/C/1-7 (#44)
- Added Fixed Wing Pilot to Medium and Full selection for quickSelection
- Updated Poppy (The loadout script) (#45)
- Fixed custom hint now JIP (#42)
- Fixed documentation (#50)
- Fixed white spaces
- Changed FRIES not applied by default anymore.
- Changed heal on ReGear requiring Heal to function.
Zeus Moduls
- Added "Create Starter Crate" module that allow you to customize and add a starter crate. (#37)
- Added "Add Get Out Right/Left" (In case soldiers cant figure out them self.) (#37)
- Added cosmetic "Add Tail Number" module. (#37)
- Added cosmetic "Transform to Cav Flag". (Now possible to show hows own the place by changing the flag) (#37)
- Added ability to add custom startup hint text in cfgSettings (#31)
- Added AT and AA capability to infantry (#33)
- Changed Crew personal loadouts
- Changed additional tourniquet for infantry (from 1 to 2).
- Changed equipment litle bit here and there nothing major.
- Fixed scopes for all infantry
- Fixed Platoon medic is not able to use Surgical kits (#24)
- Fixed AI setting not being set to default (#27)
- Fixed instant death rule being wrong (#32)
- Various grammar and spelling improvements by @RaynorD (#23, #22 )
- Varius minor fixes
- Added ACE moduels to config
- Added SettingsSystem
- Added ability to Get out Right/Lleft to helos.
- Added added auto script to zeus deployed objects (FIERS and Get out R/L)
- Added
Fixed-wing Pilot
to quick selections (#2) - Added weapon safety on spawn
- Added earplug in on start
- Fixed the crash bug when placing down a crate in zeus (#6)
- Fixed setObjectTexture not Global on ammo crates (#4)
- Changed time for Red Light, Green Light hint from 30 to 60 seconds (#7)
Known Issus
- #18 Poppy_fnc_logWarning - script error on showing message.
- Wrong loadouts (Fixed in 3.1.1 DevBuild)
- Surgical is not usable for Platoon Medics. (Fixed in 3.1.1 DevBuild)