Room Temperature Monitor with WiFi (and optional GSM) connectivity. Based on Arduino.
- Monitor Temperature and Humidity
- Show Values on OLED Display
- Fetch Values via Webbrowser (XML Format)
- Can be integrated in most Monitoring tools (e.g. Zabbix, Icinga)
- SNMP (v1) integration -- Custom SNMP PEN Number
- SMS-Alert support via SIM800L Module
- Download code or clone repository ;)
- Install Arduino IDE 1.8.13 (or newer)
- Inside Arduino IDE, install "Arduino SAMD (32bit ARM Cortex-M0+) Boards" via Board Manager.
- Use Library Manager to install following dependencies:
- WiFiNINA 1.8.7
- Adafruit GFX Library 1.10.7
- Adafruit SSD1306 2.4.4
- Adafruit Unified Sensor (DHT) 1.1.4
- DHT sensor library 1.4.2
- Adafruit BusIO 1.7.3
- SD 1.2.4
- Open "config.h" and update following settings:
- "#define SD_ENABLED true": comment this line out if you don't want to use a SD-Card for settings.
- "#define GSM_ENABLED true": comment this line out if you don't want to use a SIM800L module for sending alerts.
- TEMP_CORRECT: float value to use as temperature-offset/correction if your sensor is a bit off.
- HUMID_CORRECT: float value to use as humidity-offset/correction if your sensor is a bit off.
- DHTTYPE: either "DHT11" or "DHT22", depending on the sensor you have. I recommend DHT22.
- Make a copy of secrets.h.sample named "secrets.h".
- Optional (if not using SD-Card): open "secrets.h" and insert your WiFi Data:
- SECRET_PASS: Your Password/PSK
- Optional (if using SIM800L module, but no SD-Card): open "config.h" and update GSM-Settings:
- GSM_ALERT_PHONE: The phone-number you want to send alerts to. (Format: +ZZnnnnnnnn where ZZ is the country-code, and 'n' are digits of the actual number)
- ALERT_TEMP: Temperature where to send SMS-Alert.
- ALERT_HUMID: Humidity where to send SMS-Alert.
- Build & Upload Code to your Arduino Nano 33 IOT via IDE.
- Copy "rg.cfg.sample" to your FAT32-formated SD-Card as "rg.cfg".
- Open "rg.cfg" and update the settings to your liking (parameters are position-based, so order is important):
- SSID (String)
- WiFi-Password/PSK (String)
- Temperature Correction (float value)
- Humidity Correction (float value)
- Alert Phone Number (String)
- Alert Temperature (float value)
- Alert Humidity (float value)
- Remove all comments (starting with '#') from rg.cfg. Those are just for explanation!
- Save rg.cfg on SD-Card.
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