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Hackday #16 (22th of October 2020)

Joshua Muheim edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 4 revisions


  • Oriol
  • Manu
  • Jürgen
  • Donato
  • Graciela
  • Lea
  • Rene

Matomo Analytics (Manu)


We compared July and August, but September and October look very similar. 

  • We have about 3500 hits per week
  • Peak of ~1000 hits on 29th of July, otherwise around 300-500 per day
  • Same for September and October, around 15’000 and 17’000 or so
  • August was lowest with 15’000, probably holidays, but still very high

First conclusion: these numbers in general are quite high.

  • Average duration of visit was 1:34 mins
  • 76% "abgesprungene Besucher" ("lost" visitors) after 1 page

This (and other clues) show that users probably don’t read the ADG like a book, but rather like a reference.

  • ~1.8 pages per visit, which means ~28’000 page visits in August
    • Seems higher than normal (other pages 1.2, according to Manu)

All in all: the numbers pretty are good, quite satisfying!

Question from Jürgen: 15’000 visits with 12’000 unique visitors: is this a bad sign? Do users not return to the page? Comment Oriol: New visits could be due to "cookie banners". We have a very developer-specific group of visitors which may have certain peculiar characteristics.

Countries and devices

Most visitors:

  • USA (32%)
  • India (16%)
  • UK (6%)
  • Germany (3%)

Switzerland is on 12th position.

85% Desktop users, 12% smartphone.

Most visited pages

Visitor behaviour

  • Every 6th person returns (10’600 from 50’000)
  • They stay 3.25mins (1.2min by new visitors)
  • They perform 2.4 actions per visit (1.7 per new visitor)

Visitor flows

Top visited pages (e.g. "asterisk" page):

  • Most people come from search engines (80%)
  • Only ~2.4% from internal pages
  • 81% leave the site afterwards

Besides this, there also seems to be a "steady" flow, which resembles more the reading of a book (e.g. "Hiding elements" example):

  • They come from previous page and go to next page
  • Pages that people don’t search for probably look like this

Referral websites

People come from A4a PAC, some other A4a pages, and a few external pages (e.g. blog articles from Nothing and Zeix), some internal tools (Jira, Confluence, Github…). In general the numbers are very small (a little above 100 and below).

Direct links from e.g. PDF reviews are probably also called "Direkteingaben" (no referring website). Josh: It could be interesting to recognise those users separately, maybe using a special parameter in the URL?

Search engines

  • Most hits from Google (51’000)
  • A few from Bing (760) and others

In general, the used search terms are not very conclusive.

Internal site search statistics (Donato)

  • 820 queries since beginning of 2020 => which is not a lot
    • Josh: maybe the search button is not visible enough
    • Oriol: who does really use internal searches instead of Google? Manu does, Josh isn’t confident, uses rather Google with "site:…". Probably most users come already from Google.
  • Most frequent: tooltip (20 times, results 34), focus (15), test (15), aria-live (13, with abandon rate 38%, means preview might not be enough)

First impressions and brainstorming

  • Idea: We could use more Matomo features like asking users "did you find what you’re looking for?"
  • Manu: A few months back we had no idea if the ADG is actually used. Now we know that we have quite a few users, so we shouldn’t stop caring about the ADG! We need to know better what to invest where.
  • Lea: Maybe add most popular pages to homepage. Or add some links "you could also like…" at the top of each page.
  • Josh: General impression that we should optimise user flow, and not create new contents!
  • Josh: Add parameter to links in generated reviews, to be able to discriminate them from rest.
    • Oriol: Different way would be an in-between service (like a redirection).
  • Jürgen: Should we change the ADG language to EN-US because most people come from US?
    • Oriol: some people are also using VPN, especially developers!
    • The ADG is a Swiss (European) initiative, and British English is closer to us.
    • Team conclusion: no, let's not change the language.
  • Oriol: Regarding the idea of adding a special parameter to URLs for separating users from A4a reviews: We need a reason (a need) to add a parameter, we shouldn’t just collect data!
    • Manu: So we would wanna know who’s coming from A4a reports.
    • Josh: Maybe those people would stay much longer on pages, maybe we could optimise contents according to the readers of reports (instead of trying to thousands of people who are not really interested)
  • Graciela: Let’s look at the Strategy Orientation (notes last hackday) => strategy blueprint
  • Lea: To make the navigation titles more wordy, maybe this would help?
    • In general: make topics more visible to users!
    • Also: put "Introduction" to the end, because it isn’t very interesting for most users.
  • Josh: Maybe add a tooltip for each navigation item with the first paragraph (the teaser).

How to proceed

  • Graciela: first we need the decision whether to keep the ADG as a book or as a reference.
  • Donato: If people want to learn about accessibility, there are a lot of official resources now, there are many resources today.
  • Josh: I'm open to rearranging stuff, but this will be quite a big effort.
  • Graciela: Let's make small steps first!
  • Lea: Why not start with best pages and try to optimise them (top 3 or 5), then see what happens?
    • Team approves this as a good idea
    • Manu: Let's make small groups of 2 people, each group has a page.
  • More tasks: change navigation titles (Lea) and add Matomo survey to ask users who they are, etc. (Donato).


  • Mark form items as required Asterisk
    • Josh
    • Jürgen
  • Controlling / browsing using keyboard
    • Oriol
    • Manu
  • Aria-expanded
    • Maybe Graciela, Esther, maybe Thomas, maybe Julian

Josh will create an issue for each page.

More details:

  • Decision: we create a "This could be interesting to you…" container in the end of those 3 pages (but where exactly, before or after previous/next links?), limit of 3-5 links.
  • Also we’ll have a TOC on the top of each page, similar to (except overview pages).
    • Maybe Thomas could do that?

Open issues

Let's leave the open issues untouched (as long as they don’t bother), first see what happens with the project.