pnvdb stands for "python for Nasjonal vegdatabank" and is a python wrapper for the NVDB Rest API
Data pulled from the API is licensed under Norsk lisens for offentlige data NLOD
Read the docs at
pip install pnvdb
Start with initalizing an instance of pnvdb:
>>> import pnvdb >>> nvdb = pnvdb.Nvdb(client='Your-App-Name', contact='Your-contact-information')
Now we can test our connection to NVDB:
>>> print(nvdb.status()) {'datagrunnlag': {'sist_oppdatert': '2017-11-05 11:59:37'}, 'datakatalog': {'id': 782, 'dato': '2017-09-29', 'versjon': '2.10'}}
To work with a spesific nvdb object, we can initialize it like this:
>>> objekt = nvdb.objekt(objekt_type=67, nvdb_id=86543444)
This will get us access to a number of attributes assosiated with this object. Let's print one out:
>>> print(objekt.metadata) {'type': {'id': 67, 'navn': 'Tunnelløp'}, 'versjon': 14, 'startdato': '2014-09-19', 'sist_modifisert': '2017-10-24 15:40:48'}
We can search using area and property filters. This will return a generator object that can be itterated over.
>>> criteria = {'fylke':'2','egenskap':'1820>=20'} # 1820 = "Takst liten bil" >>> objekttype = 45 # Bomstasjon >>> tollstations = nvdb.hent(objekttype, criteria) >>> for tollstation in tollstations: if tollstation.egenskap(1078): # Check for existance print(tollstation.egenskap(1078)['verdi']) Hovinmoen - Dal Dal - Boksrud Minnesund - Hedmark grense
Add data to datafangst:
>>> datafangst = pnvdb.Datafangst(username, password, contractId) >>> a_point = (10.39241731, 63.43053048) # Geometry
initialize the feature
>>> skiltpunkt = datafangst.feature(96, point, "Skilt")
Add attribute data to the feature
>>> skiltpunkt.attribute(1876,4605) >>> skiltpunkt.attribute(1877,1) >>> skiltpunkt.attribute(1671,2435) >>> skiltpunkt.attribute(1887,1)
Add a comment
>>> skiltpunkt.comment("Fra Pnvdb")
Initialize a feature collection to hold the feautures
>>> datafangst_collection = datafangst.feature_collection()
Add the feature we build
>>> datafangst_collection.add_feature(skiltpunkt)
Push the feature to datafangst
>>> datafangst_collection.push()
Query the status of the transaction with datafangst
>>> print(datafangst_collection.status())