Releases: Alex-MacLean/TheLegendOfHerobrine
Version 0.4.0 "The Herobrine Update"
*Updated logo.
*Changed the existing Herobrine entity to "Herobrine Warrior."
+Added Herobrine Spy.
+Added Herobrine Builder.
+Added Herobrine Mage.
*Tweaked how Herobrine based mobs spawn.
*Herobrine mobs no longer burn in the sun.
*Infected mobs have a chance of lighting the player on fire if they are on fire.
*Optimized infected mobs and Herobrine mobs.
Patch Version 0.3.2
+Added the Infected Villager.
*Optimized code surrounding the infected sheep.
*Fixed the jeb_ easter egg for infected sheep.
*Tweaked the spawning of infected mobs so they only spawn in biomes the vanilla mob spawns in.
*Infected mobs now have a very rare chance of dropping cursed dust.
Patch Version 0.3.1
+Added the Infected Mooshroom.
*Herobrine can now spawn in Mushroom biomes.
*Improved the code surrounding the spawning of Herobrine and infected mobs.
*Fixed a bug where Herobrine and infected mobs sometimes flash in and out of existence before the Alter of Herobrine is activated.
*Fixed compatibility with forge update checker.
Version 0.3.0 "The Exploration Update"
+Added Cursed dust.
*Changed the crafting recipe of the Cursed Diamond to be a diamond surrounded by cursed dust.
+Added Holy Water and Unholy Water.
+Added loot table for Herobrine, Herobrine drops gunpowder, and rarely cursed dust, gold ingots, or Unholy Water.
+Added infected versions of chickens, pigs, cows, and sheep with white eyes.
+Added Cursed Forest biome, a forest mostly without leaves.
+Added Trapped House Structure with loot.
*Made the hitbox of the Alter of Herobrine perfectly align with the model.
+Added particles and a light level to the activated Alter of Herobrine.
*You can now activate the Alter of Herobrine multiple times.
*Fixed bugs surrounding whether the hand should swing for the Alter of Herobrine.
*Attempted to fix a very rare bug where Herobrine sometimes doesn't spawn when he should.
*You can no longer obtain the Bedrock Sword in survival mode due to it being overpowered.
*Many code optimizations and improvements.
Patch Version 0.2.1
-Removed Active Herobrine Alter Block.
+Added active blockstate for the Alter of Herobrine, which effectively replaces the Active block.
*Fixed a bug where upon activating the Alter of Herobrine looses waterlogged state.
*Updated UV mappings for the Alter of Herobrine to be more consistent with vanilla Minecraft's texture resolutions.
Added a proper hitbox for the Alter of Herobrine.
*Fixed a bug where water does not flow from the Alter of herobrine which was due to an incorrect hitbox.
+Added dedicated particle textures for the Alter of Herobrine and its activated state.
*Fixed an oversight in the mods description, which showed an incorrect version number.
*Various code optimizations.
+Updated from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2.
Version 0.2.0 "The Cursed Update"
+Added Cursed Diamond armor and tools.
*Changed the crafting recipes of the Cursed Diamond and Alter of Herobrine.
*Various code optimizations.
Version 0.1.0
First version ever released. Very minimal content, lots of bugs, including possible world corruption. It is recommended that you use at least 0.2.1 or later.