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1. Setup

Andrian Huang edited this page Sep 16, 2021 · 1 revision

The steps here assume that you use the espdrone Docker image for this project. Continue to "Steps to perform" if that is the case for you.

If you would like to install natively instead of using Docker, make sure that you have ROS Noetic setup in your system. If you have not done so, check out how to install ROS in the official Wiki, then run these to create a Catkin workspace:

source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws
catkin build

# Automatically source setup.bash for convenience.
echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

For the espdrone Docker image, the Catkin workspace will be in the root directory of your Docker volume (i.e. /catkin_ws) instead of ~/catkin_ws. Hence, for native system install, replace any related commands (e.g. do cd ~/catkin_ws/src instead of cd /catkin_ws/src). Also, please pay attention to special notes with "For native system setup".

Steps to perform:

  1. Make sure that you have espdrone-ros setup on your system.
  2. For native system setup (skip this if you use Docker):
    Download the aruco-3.1.12 library from here, then put it in your home directory (i.e. ~). Do NOT run make and make install; just put the library there.
  3. Clone this repository to your Catkin workspace's src folder.
    cd /catkin_ws/src
    git clone
  4. Build the workspace:
    cd /catkin_ws
    catkin build

    For native system setup:
    Since the ArUco library is in the home directory for your case, you need to modify line 6 in aruco_lib_integration/CMakeLists.txt to reflect the correct path to the ArUco library, i.e. SOURCE_DIR /home/$ENV{USER}/aruco-3.1.12 instead of SOURCE_DIR /aruco-3.1.12.

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