This repo allows the user to set up, build and run a simulation using:
- An Iris drone running PX4 firmware.
- The PX4-FastRTPS bridge to communicate with a ROS2 program that controls the Iris drone.
- The Iris drone is simulated using Gazebo.
The versions of software used are:
- Ubuntu 18.04LTS.
- Gazebo 11.
- ROS2 Eloquent.
- The PX4 repos Firware, px4_msgs, px4_ros_com, sitl_gazebo. Git branches of these repos are used to fix revisions. There is also a small fix on the PX4 Firmware branch.
Running the Gazebo server and client on a PC requires a graphics card with at least 4GB of RAM. I tried an old 1GB card which worked but was painfully slow. I then used a laptop with an NVidia M2000 4GB card and it worked well.
Docker install and run instructions can be found in docker/
Native install and run instructions can be found in scripts/
Most of the inspiration for this work was taken from that explained how to simulate a drone in Gazebo. There are also countless uses of the following sites:
Issues are tracked in the GitHUb repo.