Limited Sniper let you add limited ids in config.json at custom prices in this format:
"Items": {
"item id": max price to snipe the item at. eg: if you put 5 it will snipe the item if it becomes 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 robux,
"15181542808": 1
and will snipe any limited you added that reachs the max price you specified for that item.
you can add multiple IDs at the same time by adding a comma at the end of each ID
"Webhook": {
"Enabled": false, If true will send a notification to the webhook url you added
"Send_Fails": false, If true will send a webhook notification when it fails to snipe an item with a reason
"UserID_To_Ping": 0, Discord user id you want to ping on successful snipes, Keep it at 0 to not ping
"Url": "" If you set enabled to true you have to add a webhook url here
"Cookies": {
"Buy_cookie": "", Your roblox account cookie that will buy the limiteds (main account cookie)
"Check_cookie": "", Your roblox alt account cookie that will check the limiteds (can be the same as buy cookie)
"Bypass_cookies": false Bypass roblox's region lock (optional)
"Global_buy_limit": {
"Enabled": false, Enabke/Disable global buy limit
"Limit": 3 If you made enabled to true set a limit for the sniper to stop sniping an item that hits the specific limit aka amount of copies you own of that item
"Items": {
"15181542808": 1, Limited ids with max price
"13335138883": 1
"Enabled": false, If true will auto restart every X seconds
"Seconds": 120 If you enabled auto restart it will restart every 120 seconds (2 minutes), change this for your need
"Enabled": false, If true will use Tor's proxies
"Amount": 20, Will load 20 tor proxies for the sniper to use, change this for your need
"Max_Threads": 100 If your sniper is lagging while using a big amount of proxies reduce this, put this to a big amount for the sniper to load the very max amount of threads
"Global_Logs": {
"Anonymous": false If true your roblox username will not appear in global logs (global logs are in the discord server)
"Discord": {
"Enabled": false, Put to true if you want to manage the sniper using discord commands
"Token": "", If you made Enabled to true you have to add a discord bot token here
"StartUp_Message": true, Put it to false for the discord bot to not send the start up message
"Use_Prefix": {
"Enabled": false, If true will use both slash and prefix commands for the discord bot
"Prefix": "!" Prefix to use when calling the bot (Only works if Use_Prefix's enabled is to true)
"Owner_id": [] Put the discord user ids of people that are allowed to use the commands of the bot
How to get discord token! (Click to expand)
Create a new application
If you're trying to use the Discord Bot but you're Bot does not go online when you open the sniper
- Open a terminal and paste this
/Applications/Python\ 3.11/Install\ Certificates.command
- - Checks ids fast
- - Supports Multi-ID
- - 10 Checkers/Watchers
- - Webhook Support
- - Can be ran in AWS
- - Can be ran on Linux Based Machines
- - Snipes Paid and resellables UGC Limiteds
- - Discord Bot w/ Slash Commands (17+ Commands)
- - Supports Tor Proxies (Windows Only)
- If you don't trust it don't use it. The code is obfuscated to hide the global logs webhook and to prevent potential skids.
- If you don't want to use tor proxies and dont trust the tor-proxies.exe, delete the folder.
- If crashs when you open it, uninstall the current python version you have installed and install python version 3.11.x
If you need help setting up the bot join the Discord