Releases: Aspectise/Limited-Sniper
Discord bot:
, you can now add items by links and ids - CHANGED |
, you can now remove items by links and ids - FIXED | Hopefully
command buying unwanted stuff from your item list
- ADDED | Fast printing/smooth printing because it looked ugly
option in the config file to ip lock bypass your cookies (useful when your trying to run the sniper on a vps) - ADDED | 24/7 global logs
- FIXED | Issue trying to snipe limiteds made by roblox
- OPTIMIZED | Auto restart should be better now
- OPTIMIZED | Removed unnecessary extra checks each watchers has to go thro
- OPTIMIZED | Watchers will be handled more smoothly now by the sniper
Discord bot:
- ADDED | /info command, shows information about the given item id
- FIXED | /unfocus command buying random items when unfocusing quickly
All Discord Bot commands:
stats (Aliases: s)
add_id (Aliases: ai)
mass_add_ids (Aliases: mai)
change_max_price (Aliases: cmp)
mass_change_max_prices (Aliases: mcmp)
add_user (Aliases: au)
remove_user (Aliases: ru)
owner_ids (Aliases: oi)
remove_id (Aliases: ri)
remove_all (Aliases: ra)
restart (Aliases: r)
focus (Aliases: f)
unfocus (Aliases: uf)
change_buy_limit (Aliases: cbl)
- OPTIMIZED | Rewrote 70% of the sniper to handle tor's proxies smoothly and efficiently
- ADDED | Tor proxies, configure it in the config file. Only supports Window for now
- OPTIMIZED | Removed buy wait time, it will spam buy an item now for a higher chance of sniping it
INFO | If you find bugs or errors please report them so i can fix them 👍
Discord bot:
- ADDED | /mass_change_max_price command to change all your ids max price's to 1 specific max price
- ADDED | 3 more watchers (9 watchers in total)
- ADDED | Auto-Restart option in config file to restart the sniper every X amount of seconds
- FIXED | Some errors people were having
- OPTIMIZED | Optimized all the watchers to the very max, will do around 170k+ checks in 10minutes now
INFO | I dont even know why that should even be addressed, but obv death sniper is the fastest and most optimized limited sniper out there
INFO | If you found bugs or errors please report them so i can fix it 👍
Discord Bot:
- ADDED | StartUp_Message option in config.json to disable or enable the discord bot start up message
- ADDED | Buttons to help command, there is too many commands to display all at once
- FIXED | /change_max_price command not being synced
- OPTIMIZED | The discord bot will not react to command from people that are not in the owner ids list
- ADDED | 2 more watchers (6 watchers in total)
- OPTIMIZED | Changed a lot of stuff to handle the 6 watchers better and more smoothly
- FIXED | The error "'<=' not supported between instances of 'int' 'None Type'"
- INFO | If you notice a slight bump with the latency thats normal, there is 6 watchers sending requests at the same time
INFO | i changed and added more stuff but i don't remember what i changed💀
INFO | If you found bugs or errors please report them so i can fix it 👍
Discord Bot:
- ADDED | Prefix support, if you put Use_Prefix's enabled to true it will use both slash and prefix commands
- ADDED | /mass_add_ids command, add a lot of ids at one with the same max price using a file
- ADDED | /ping command, shows the bot's latency
- ADDED | /change_buy_limit command, change the global buy limit
- INFO | Commands and aliases are :
stats (Aliases: s)
add_id (Aliases: ai)
mass_add_ids (Aliases: mai)
change_max_price (Aliases: cmp)
add_user (Aliases: au)
remove_user (Aliases: ru)
owner_ids (Aliases: oi)
remove_id (Aliases: ri)
remove_all (Aliases: ra)
restart (Aliases: r)
focus (Aliases: f)
unfocus (Aliases: uf)
change_buy_limit (Aliases: cbl)
- OPTIMIZED | Spammy errors will only show once now
- OPTIMIZED | Removed the small buy wait time for faster snipes
INFO | If you found bugs or errors please report them so i can fix it 👍
Discord Bot:
- ADDED | /restart command to the discord bot
- ADDED | /focus command, focus on a single item with max price. This will stop checking the ids in config.json and only check the id focused, remember to unfocus
- ADDED | /unfocus command, will stop focusing
- ADDED | /add_user command, add a user to the owner ids so his able to use commands
- ADDED | /change_max_price command, change the max price for an item already in config.json
- ADDED | /owner_ids command, show everyone that has access to your bot commands
- ADDED | /remove_all command, remove all the ids from config.json
- ADDED | Send_Fails option in config.json, will send a webhook notification when it fails to snipe an item with a reason
- ADDED | UserID_To_Ping option in config, will ping the user id when it successfully snipes an item, keep it at 0 to not ping anyone
- INFO | Thanks to valra on discord for finding and reporting all these errors/bugs ❤️
- FIXED | Error "list index out of range" when having an ID thats on sale but don't have resellers
- FIXED | Bug "'assetType'" showing in logs when sniping a limited
INFO | If you found bugs or errors please report them so i can fix it 👍
- FIXED | Error "Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)" when buying an item
- FIXED | Not showing the bought item
- FIXED | Webhook notification not sent when the bot buys an item
- ADDED | More handlers
- INFO | The addition of the 4th watcher revealed a lot of bugs in the code, most (if not all) the bugs were fixed but if you encounter any other bugs please report it