FxTools: a comprehensive toolkit for FASTA and FASTQ file manipulation
FxTools is a full-featured toolkit for comprehensive analysis of both FASTA and FASTQ file, covering users' needs from sequence modification to data analysis. This tool consists of three parts: Fatools , Fqtools and Formtools, categorized by the types of files to deal with. In Formtools, we provide simple conversion and file manipulation for other NGS data files including BAM,SAM and SOAP.
FxTools is implemented in C/C++ language, available for Linux and Mac OS X operating system.
The new version will be updated and maintained in hewm2008/FxTools, please click below website to download the latest version
Pre-installations of 4 libraries are required before installing FxTools
1 htslib: samtools-1.6/htslib-1.6
2 boost : boost with g++ > 4.9 is recommended
3 zlib : zlib > 1.2.8 is recommended
4 ncurses: ncurses >5.7 is recommended
For linux /Unix statics
- you can use the statically compiled programs directly
git clone https://github.com/hewm2008/FxTools.git cd FxTools-XXX; chmod 775 bin/FxTools_Linux ; ./bin/FxTools_Linux
- To compile FxTools, do [./configure] first and than [make]
- Final software can be found in the direcoty [bin/FxTools]
For linux/Unix or MacOS
git clone https://github.com/hewm2008/FxTools.git cd FxTools-XXX; chmod 755 configure ; ./configure make ; mv FxTools bin/; ./bin/FxTools
Note1: If fail in [./configure], to find library htslib, you can add LDFLAGS to find the htslib library and CXXFLAGS and CFLAGS to find the htslib header [ ./configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib/ CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/include/ CFLAGS=-I/usr/include/];
export 'LIBRARY/CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS' environment variables to set the htslib path also can be a way to compile, such : export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH;
Program: FxTools
Version: 0.16 hewm2008@gmail.com/xuxiaomin@bgi.com 2018-5-20
Fatools Tools For Fasta
Fqtools Tools For Fastq
Formtools Tools For Form convert
Help Show help in detail
Module | Function | Description |
Summary | ||
stat | statistics of FASTA | |
dict | generate a header file for FASTA | |
Split | ||
split | split FASTA. default by ID | |
rand | randomly sample FASTA by proportion | |
Search | ||
findN | find the regions of N in FASTA file | |
locate | find the region containing the subsequences | |
grep | search for the target subsequence | |
extractP | extract sequences with specific ID | |
extractN | extract sequences by specified order range | |
getCdsPep | find CDS & peptide sequences (GFF re-quired) | |
sort | sort the FASTA by sequence ID or length | |
Modify | ||
filter | remove the sequences either too short or with too many missing N | |
reform | edit the FASTA (reverse, complement,etc.) | |
mergaSca | reform current FASTA into new scaffolds | |
JoinSca | joining scaffolds into pseudo chromosomes | |
BaseModify | modify a single base in FASTA | |
ChangePosi | locate SNPs on original scaffolds based on current FASTA |
Module | Function | Description |
Summary | ||
valid | check validation of input FASTQ | |
stat | statistics of FASTQ | |
fqcheck | base and quality distribution | |
Split | ||
splitpool | split pooling FASTQ to samples for RAD (GBS) | |
splitFq | split FASTQ by specifying number of sequences in output | |
cut | extract subsequence in FASTQ | |
rand | randomly sample FASTQ by proportion | |
Modify | ||
filter | filter FASTQ to clean dataset | |
rmAdapter | remove adapter of FASTQ | |
reform | edit the FASTQ file (reverse/complement) | |
Mul2Sin | covert multiple-lines FASTQ sequences to single line | |
bubble | filter regions with large number of N | |
changeQ | update the quality of FASTQ | |
rmDup | remove duplicated sequences |
Function | Description |
CDS2Pep | convert CDS to Pep format |
Soap2fq | convert SOAP to FASTQ format |
Bam2Fq | convert BAM to FASTQ format |
Soap2Bam | convert SOAP to Bam/Sam format |
Bam2SOAP | convert BAM/SAM to SOAP format |
Fa2Fq | convert FASTA to FASTQ format |
Fq2Fa | convert FASTQ to FASTA format |
SF | finding intersections or differences of two files |
Merge | merge sorted files to one |
see more other Usage in the Manual Documentation
- sort fa files
# sort by seq length
./bin/FxTools Fatools sort -i ref.fa -s length -r > ref.sort.fa
# sort by seq ID & gzip out
./bin/FxTools Fatools sort -i ref.fa -s name -o ref.sort.fa.gz
- split the fa files
# split by one seq on file
./FxTools Fatools split -i in.fa.gz -o outDir/ -g
# split to fixed Number of subflie
./FxTools Fatools split -i in.fa -o outDir/ -f 12
# split to fixed seq Number in one sub-file
./FxTools Fatools split -i in.fa -o outDir/ -s 12
- Calculate qulity of fq files
# Give pdf of fastq Base Q Distribute and stat result
./FxTools Fqtools fqcheck -i A_1.fq.gz A_2.fq.gz -o out1Prefix out2Prefix
# SE fqstq also can be supported
./FxTools Fqtools fqcheck -i A.fq.gz -o outPrefix
- change qulity of fq
# fstaq Q change : by ASCII33-->ASCII64[+31] with ResetID & MaxQ:h
./FxTools Fqtools changeQ -i in.fq.gz -o out.fq -s 4
see more other Usage in the Documentation
Format Introduction
- 📧 hewm2008@gmail.com / hewm2008@qq.com / xuxiaomin@bgi.com
- join the QQ Group : 125293663
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