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Create GitHub Issue

Alis Akers edited this page Oct 16, 2024 · 1 revision

Runbook: Opening a GitHub Issue for dibbs-aws Repository


  • GitHub account


Using GitHub Web Interface
  1. Log in to GitHub:

    • Open your web browser and navigate to GitHub.
    • Enter your credentials to log in.
  2. Navigate to the dibbs-aws Repository:

    • In the search bar at the top of the page, type dibbs-aws

and select the repository from the search results.

  • Alternatively, you can directly navigate to the repository URL:
  1. Open the Issues Tab:

    • In the repository page, click on the "Issues" tab located below the repository name.
  2. Create a New Issue:

    • Click on the "New issue" button on the right side of the Issues page.
  3. Fill in the Issue Details:

    • Title: Provide a concise and descriptive title for the issue.
    • Description: Provide a detailed description of the issue. Include relevant information such as:
      • Steps to reproduce the issue.
      • Expected behavior.
      • Actual behavior.
      • Any error messages or logs.
      • Environment details (e.g., terraform version).
  4. Add Labels (Optional):

    • On the right side of the issue creation page, you can add labels to categorize the issue (e.g., bug, enhancement, question).
  5. Submit the Issue:

    • Once all details are filled in, click the "Submit new issue" button at the bottom of the page.
Example Issue Template
### Issue Title: [Brief Description of the Issue]

#### Description
[Provide a detailed description of the issue]

#### Steps to Reproduce
1. [First step]
2. [Second step]
3. [Third step]

#### Expected Behavior
[Describe what you expected to happen]

#### Actual Behavior
[Describe what actually happened]

#### Screenshots (if applicable)
[Attach any relevant screenshots]

#### Environment
- OS: [e.g., Windows 10, macOS Catalina]
- Version: [e.g., v1.6.9]

#### Additional Context
[Add any other context about the problem here]


  • Provide as much detail as possible to help the us understand and resolve the issue efficiently.