CMAP CSVM v0.4.3 partially calibrated base, working future year
This release is working through model initialization, firm synthesis, all steps of the commercial vehicle touring model (CVTM). and trip tables build step, and includes a dashboard to show scenario results.
It is an update to v0.4.2, with the main changes being:
- updates to the calibration with initial calibration of the tour models in the CVTM (these should still be considered a work in progress as of this release)
- updates to the dashboard to include calibration summaries for the tour models in the CVTM and validation summaries of the trip tables
- added the future scenario with processed household and employment data and confirmed that it runs with those inputs and the future year skims
- future year dashboard added to github pages (link in repo README)
- several other minor bug fixes
The model:
- Creates outputs databases of firms
- Creates output database of commercial vehicle trips/tours
- Creates trip tables in an OMX file for each combination of vehicle type and time period plus three daily trip tables by vehicle type
- Creates an HTML dashboard
The release is complete except for three skim input files required for each of the base and future scenarios. It requires:
- htruck_congested_skims.omx,
- ltruck_congested_skims.omx, and
- mtruck_congested_skims.omx
be copied locally into the cmap_csvm\scenarios\base\inputs and the cmap_csvm\scenarios\future\inputs directories in order to run those scenarios.
This model is uncalibrated (as noted above, base scenario calibration is partially complete through all steps but some refinements are required).