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Version 2.5


A GUI tool for reslotting mods. Requires python 3.9+. This will reslot anything under the folders fighter,sound,ui, and effects (if applicable)

You'll need to download a "Hashes_all.txt" file from here and place it here.

Courtesy of CoolSonicKirby and WuBoy, this will also generate the proper config for you to use! Once the reslotter is finished, it should be ready to be added directly to your switch. If you need more slots, you can manually type in the dropdown box the slot you need (ie +c21), or you can edit the script at line 18. It should be a variable called root.maxSlots, which is defaulted at 11.

Original reslotter written by Blujay and maintained by Jozz


You may run this program's .py file if you have python installed. Otherwise, I've provided a .exe version, though the .py version will always be the most up-to-date version.


Download via the green code button located on the repository ( Run, not


(Currently one version behind) Go to the releases tab and download the exe. Place that exe in it's own folder. Then download the required Hashes_all.txt file


You can run the .py or .exe folder using [mod folder]. The mod folder argument is optional. You can also drag and drop your mod folder ontop of the application.

Select the root of your mod's folder. You'll be presented with the GUI at the top of this README. You can also hover over most of the labels for additional tool tips. It will populate the list with all the alts in that mod. Copy to New Folder will create a new folder with the new alts in the title (Shiny Blue DK (c03)). Exclude Blank Targets is for packs with multiple alts in it. Leave it on to only have the changed alts in the new folder. Leave it unchecked to bring all alts into the new folder, changed or not.

Changing Slots

Navigate to which skin corresponds to the source of your mod (if you have Shinny Blue DK on the 3rd alt, it should be c02). Under the dropdown menu, select its new destination (ie c03 for the fourth, blue alt). Hit Change Slots, and the relevant files/folders will be changed, as well as a new config.json will be added.

Adding New Slots

Before you do this, read this tutorial by Blaze and this tutorial by WuBoy

When you set the new slot to anything beyond c07 (denoted with a + prefix), you are adding slots to the game! This is a slightly more involved process than just changing base slots, so you will need to go to File->Slot Addition Guide to understand how this process works.

"Share From" is the slot that the mod is based on. For example, a Robin mod on slot c05 would set Share From to c00 as both are male alts. A Sephiroth mod on slot c07 should use c06 for the shirtless variant. This program will do its best to set this to the optimal slot for each fighter, but you can manually set it if you want to.

Setting New Max Slots for the Character Select Screen

New Max Slots will create a ui_chara_db.prcxml file in ui/param/database which is used to increase the number of slots available in the Character Select Screen after you hit "Change Slots" or "Reconfig". ui_chara_db.prc is the file used to control how many slots can be selected on the character select screen, while the .prcxml version patches the file in game (please read this if you are confused about prc and prcxmls files). You'll want to set this to the highest slot number in your modpack+1 (if I have Shiny Blue DK on c10, I would set the max slots to 11) It is recommended that you only have one of these files per fighter.

Generating Configs

Similar to LazyConfig, this will create a config.json file in your mod folder without changing any of the files, useful for when you are creating a mod that uses additional slots, or if you accidentally deleted the config.json file. Click on "Rewrite Config" or "Create Config" to create a config.json without reslotting anything

Generating Configs For All

If you have an extremely large mod pack, this tool might be able to help! This is still experimental, but if you select "all" from the fighter dropdown list, and hit Rewrite/Create Config, it'll go through every fighter and all their alts and create one big config for that folder.

Known Issues

  • Only one fighter at a time can be reslotted, so if you have Marth and Mario in a mod pack, you can only reslot Marth OR Mario
  • Aegis (Pyra and Mythra), Ice Climbers (Popo and Nana), and Pokemon Trainer (Trainer and their Pokemon) will all be reslotted together. So if you have a Pyra and Mythra skin on c00, they'll both migrate to c08 or whichever slot you are targeting
  • Added slots mostly work, but for the ones that don't: try hitting rewrite config on the reslotted folder, or using the original website to regenerate a config
  • Not all fighter's one-slotted effects work
  • Not all fighter's New Max Slots option have been tested