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Repo Setup

ryankarpuszka edited this page Jan 15, 2022 · 4 revisions

Clone the Repository

Navigate to a directory you want to keep your repository in. Run git clone Enter the repository folder with cd rov-vision-22.

Install Virtualenvwrapper


Run pip install virtualenvwrapper-win


Run sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper. Then follow the instructions under the section "Shell Startup File" found here: If you get an error, you may also need to add export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3 before the source /usr/local/bin/ line in ~./bashrc.

Create a new environment

Run mkvirtualenv rov This creates a new environment named rov.

If you already have this virtual environment from last year, first delete it using rmvirtualenv rov.

Activating the environment

To activate, run workon rov

To deactivate, run deactivate

Install Libraries

Make sure the rov environment is activated first. Then run pip install -r requirements.txt.

We also need to add the path to our vision code. Make sure you are in the rov-vision-22 directory. Run add2virtualenv .

Clone the data repo

Install git lfs


sudo apt-get install git-lfs

git lfs install


Download and install the file from here:

Run git lfs install


Run brew install git-lfs

Run git lfs install

Clone data

Navigate to the parent folder of rov-vision-22. Run git clone