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Releases: Ceterai/Enternia

My Enternia 2.1.4: Alta Decryption

09 Jan 15:53
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At last, a data patch that fixes drone malfunctions! You can now make sure that your drone spawners are safe to use...

Note that next version (2.2) will remove a lot of long-deprecated items and objects. Load your world and check inventories with those to update them to avoid them turning into Perfectly Generic Items. Deprecation Station will also get deprecated. It's no longer of much use, and the Perfectly Generic Item section will be moved to the Upgrade Station.


  • many big bugfixes, lore additions and wiki improvements;
  • properly functional hazard objects and decorations;
  • pretty big mod cleanup;


  • fixed scout/EDS drone spawners:
    • increased amount of drones in the Alta Drone Station from 3 to 10;
    • fixed spam in EDS Spawner;
    • fixed EDS Drones exploding on spawn in low threat environments;
  • fixed defeat logic on some drones (like Frigate Drone);
  • seemingly fixed errors with "liquidLineCollision" on all droids & drones (?);
  • fixed Alta Lab Barrier - now it:
    • only damages when closed;
    • has according particles and looping electric sound when closed;
    • shows up in the Hazards tab in Alta Constructor;
  • fixed break sounds on EDS Haulters;
  • fixed Staris Soup food item;
  • fixed items no longer being upgradable at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil when having certain items in your inventory;
  • fixed some items not being upgradable at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil due to incorrect tags (forgot the upgradeableWeapon tag): Bishyn Spear, Niverisk, Protospear;
  • fixed tooltips on Alta City Sapling, Alta Lab Sapling and Alta Ship Sapling;


  • added trivia sections;
  • added extended descriptions to rifles, drones, droids, hazard objects, plants and some other things;
  • added screenshots for Defensive Drone R300, Ionic Drone and Lava Drone;
  • added species support;
  • made Alta page semi-automated, added in-game info;
  • fixed extended descriptions on monster spawner items;
  • minor adjustments and formatting update;


  • added comments to some lua scripts;
  • moved dev landscape screenshots and previews and their psd files for versioning and to keep them in one place;
  • moved all dev/meta stuff like mod support scripts, palettes, mod descriptions and images to a /.meta folder to keep it clean;
  • the /.meta folder is excluded from actual releases and will only be present in the GitHub repo, as well as .gitignore, and;
  • reworked mod support scripts and added comments to make them cleaner and easier to understand;
  • optimized build scripts and made them cleaner;
  • made deprecation builders slightly more seamless;


  • added particles to objects: Poison Crystals, Yaara Heart;
  • fixed upgraded item icons;
  • fixed upgraded calin sword;
  • fixed collision on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Poison Crystals, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Warped Roots, Alta Lab Barrier, EDS Haulters;
  • fixed particles on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Alta Lab Barrier, EDS Haulters;
  • fixed levels on hazard objects: Alternia Crystal, Yaara Heart, Yaara Roots, Warped Roots;
  • fixed level inventory tooltips on objects;
  • moved text lines from item builder scripts into a /items/buildscripts/ct_texts.config file to make them easier to translate/change;
  • tried to fix emote issues for kaiteras (second alta gender), but wasn't successful;
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.1.3: Alta Decryption

28 Dec 02:18
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Finally learning more about general alta traits and special abilities, you discover and learn about their strongest sides... but also about their weaknesses.



  • updated certain manual pages;
  • fixed related resources mix-up for Ghearun & Gheatsyn codexes;
  • fixed pickup radio message support;
  • added "Alta Datamass" and "Empty Datamass" aliases to the Datamass;


  • added a radio message for ebooks;
  • added proper tags for augments and collars;
  • minor grammar fixes and wiki enhancemens;
  • fixed unlocked food recipes of food and produce;
  • fixed tags on all datamasses, docs and ebooks that have wrong tags;
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.1.2: Alta Decryption

11 Dec 11:11
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You're discovering more knowledge about alta culture and are uncovering new databases along the way, with a few things to enhance equipment you already have.


  • added 24 codexes;
  • added 25 radiomessages, that now display once you pick up specific items;
  • added a bit of recipes for custom items (most are only available at the ultimate crafting station);
  • new cosmetic items can be found as loot in biome chests;


  • updated certain manual pages;
  • added pickup radio message support;


  • added extended descriptions to most food and codex items;
  • revorked perfect cooking system slightly;
  • enhanced some codexes and fixed grammar & phrazing in several places;
  • upgraded shields and perfect foods now have custom colors;
  • all t6+ armor items now have according consistent invisible bonuses, mentioned in their descriptions;
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.1.1: Alta Decryption

09 Oct 20:19
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Now that datacenter is full of useful and intersting information, might as well use the most of it to prepare for upcoming threats!
Also, it seems like some melee blueprints have finished downloading... Might wanna try them out.


  • most melee weapons are now finally usable! They's still WIP, but to a much lesser extent;
  • big wiki improvements and preparations for the next version;


  • adjusted a lot of alta recipes;
  • fixed grammatical errors in some android head items;


  • updated many manual pages;
  • made some manual pages non-manual: Bionid, Isoslime, Crystalline Prime, Ayaka, Phospholion;
  • added aliases for proper links and references;
  • added more extended descriptions;
  • added more species descriptions;
  • added banner support;
  • added category override support;
  • added parent pages support;
  • added related resources support;
  • added collapse blocks for big lists in loot and crafting sections;
  • added manual pages: Factions, Koywa, Elin Gardens;
  • added custom content support;
  • added the "alkey" key to item aliases;
  • added radiomessage support;
  • certain color codes now translate to bold instead of links;
  • enhanced tags;
  • fixed codex text display;
  • fixed many icons and references on manual pages;
  • fixed level and other params for codexes;
  • fixed whitespaces in file links;


  • adjusted timings on a lot of recipes;
  • fixed and enhanced item & colony tags on most items;
  • enhanced the item builder scripts to now add race, rarity and element as tags;
  • enhanced some recipes with custom params (mainly crystalline deposits);
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.1: Alta Decryption

09 Sep 17:50
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Provided database has been successfully analyzed by your datacenter, unlocking access to a number of informational entry and codexes for your archive.
It seems like melee blueprints are still decrypting, so you can take your time reading through all of those waiting for it to finish.

Meanwhile, meet some experienced altas to get you accustomed to their culture and try out new equipment available at the crafting station! Trust me, you'll need it quite soon.


  • still working on WIP weapons;
  • added 34 codexes, including 6 culinary codexes and a 4-part alta history codex series;
  • added more armor, augments and fixed armor coloring;
  • added extended descriptions for wiki and other future uses;


  • added 5 t5 helmets, 3 t6 helmets, 4 t6 epps, 6 t5 augments, 6 t6 augments, 6 misc augments, 2 misc collars, 4 misc helmets;
  • added 4 cosmetics;
  • deprecated some old augments and collars;
  • reworked visuals of all light alta objects;
  • rebalanced all armor;
  • made it so certain custom saplings can spawn in chests;
  • custom alta saplings now contain pools of possible trees, including rare trees that cannot normally be found anywhere else;
  • fixed coloring of armor items;
  • increased the amount of levels in the Alta Crafting Station;


  • properly updated manual pages: Alta, EDS, Ayaka, Alterash, Alterash Prime, Ceternia, Alternia, Enternia (added references to stim packs, as well as for Hevikai);
  • fixed headings in many manual pages and updated their contents;
  • added expanded descriptions with lore to a lot of items. These descriptions can only be seen on respective wiki pages (and in game files, obviously);
  • added proper item tags to a lot of items;


  • added rare tree variations - Warped Yaara Node, Starfield Yaara Node, Golden Yaara Node (also Elin Ayaka, which technically was added in 2.0.1);
  • added missing Elite Droid and Stalker Droid recipes;
  • fixed grammatical errors for some effects;
  • fixed drone sorting in the crafting station;
  • things like Ceter-Sphere now require an according nade and 2 according stims to craft, which require according glowsticks to craft;
  • redistributed weapons and items more gradually over the planets;
  • enhanced and balanced all chest loot tables;
  • made names of certain items shorter to fit into tooltips;
  • removed deprecated loot tables, effects, plant sprites and radio messages;
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.0.1: The Alta Race

21 Jul 17:13
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The database with advanced blueprints you got from those altas is still transferring into your crafting stations and datacenters. The latest blueprint pack has just dropped, let's see what it is! ..Status improvers, protective stim packs, medicine, and... Are these... saplings?


  • fixed lots of bugs and crashes. See Other for more;
  • updated the Wiki to reflect new changes and improved some of its pages too;


  • added Electric Stim Pack, Impulse Stim Pack, Plasma Stim Pack and Hevikai Stim Pack - both craftable at Alta Crafting Station;
  • added Catalyst - a debug item that removes all permanent and ephemeral effects - craftable at max Alta Crafting Station;
  • added 26 custom debug saplings that grow into certain tree types added by this mod to be able to test them easier;


  • fixed drone-related behaviour - ct_alarm_backup;
  • fixed shields on drones;
  • made drone spawn animation more visible;
  • fixed different monster projectiles and monster attacks;


  • properly updated manual pages: Weapons, Bionid, Ceternia, Alternia, Enternia;
  • added support for plants (trees, bushes and grasses);
  • improved support for biomes - they now show most attributes, as well as what can spawn in them;
  • improved support for everything else - if it spawns in a biome, it will now display on its page;
  • improved support for chests - they now show biome loot they can have (if associated with a treasure chest);


  • added missing effects - Plasmoblockade, Pulsoblockade, Overcharged Air, Hevikai Strike, Hevikai Block and Hevikai;
  • added better descriptions to items showing where to find them;
  • moved Prismantler to deprecated;
  • fixed a crash when big drones try to jump;
  • fixed rarities/prices/levels for almost all objects;
  • fixed covers and sitting/laying offsets on all loungeable objects;
  • fixed velocity jump status effect;
  • reworked a lot of recipes:
    • reworked equipment and medicine recipes and united into the same tab;
    • split cosmetics into 2 tabs instead;
    • reworked some nature recipes and prepared them for the upcoming mech table;
    • reworked some crafting material recipes too;
  • reworked a lot of status effect scripts:
    • moved most scripts and made them more customizeable;
    • added more proper comments and descriptions to mod scripts;
    • added proper radio messages for some effects so the player can understand what they do and how to block them - Overcharged Air, Hevikai Strike and Hevikai;
    • added proper animation files and config;
  • updated mod support script stuff;
  • minor bug fixes.

My Enternia 2.0: The Alta Race

09 Jul 16:08
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The Altas are finally here! What secrets do whey hold? Will they share them... with you?
They absoultely will! Among tons of interesting information, you got new weapon blueprints, as well as more details about other already known equipment, even proper food recipes!
It seems you have also got a hold of some weird pods labeled "GSR". I wonder what's inside...


  • created Mod Wiki. Find it here:;

  • the Wiki contains in-detail info about pretty much everything in the mod, from items/objects/monsters to effects, biomes, weather and even worldbuilding concepts/lore;

  • the Wiki also includes extensive info for modders wanting to create mods on top of this mod;

  • added full support for the Improved Food Descriptions addon;

  • added full support for the More Planet Info addon;

  • added full support for the True Space addon;

  • added much more detailed GUI tooltips to many types of items:

    • weapon/shield tooltips now include more stats, element icons (shields too), full description, ability names and description, and whether it can be upgraded to anything;
    • armor/clothing/backpack/epp tooltips now have more slots for abilities and display them properly, as well as show upgrades if any;
    • drone spawners now include monster stats, resistances, ability names & descriptions and upgrades if any;
    • object tooltips now include health, list of colony tags, light color (if any) and a separate warning if the object doesn't drop itself;
    • all new tooltips include stuff like level and race;
    • all descriptions are color-coded with highlights;
    • new tooltips only apply to items added by this mod.
  • added 8 ranged wrist weapons and 8 unique ranged weapons (4 WIPs);

  • added 24 melee weapons (WIP): 8 light, 8 heavy and 8 spears;

  • added perfectly cooked versions to all food items added by the mod;


  • added Altas as a playable race! Right now with placeholder ship and mechs, as well as no npcs/tenants and no dungeons;

  • added GSR pods - loot crates that contain materials and rare weapons that you can't find anywhere else! (except for t6 crafting table);

  • revamped Alta Crafting Station to encourage exploration and make progression smoother:

    • now has 9 levels instead of 6: 2 T3 levels, 2 T4, 2 T5, 2 T6 and 1 final creative level with recipes for every item in the mod;
    • only levels 3, 5 & 7 require codexes to upgrade. Levels 2, 4, 6 & 8 only require resources found on planets added by the mod;
    • levels 2, 4, 6 & 8 are "sub-tiers" - they reveal improved stuff from the previous tier, as well as cosmetics, throwables, augments, etc.;
    • levels 1 & 2 contain T3 stuff, levels 3 & 4 - T4 stuff, levels 5 & 6 - T5 stuff, levels 7 & 8 - T6 stuff.


  • added upgrades to one of the armor sets;
  • added custom item builder and object builder! They support and provide proper tooltips for:
    • item params:
      • level, price (leveled), price (fixed), race, element;
      • all damage params (leveled & fixed): damage/shot, energy/shot, firerate, dps, eps, damage/energy;
      • all shield params (leveled & fixed): health, knockback, eps, parry time, min time, cooldown time;
      • primary, secondary and passive abilities, as well as weapon upgrades (on any item, not just weapons);
      • works for almost any item type, including weapons, throwables, generics, shield, custom active items, codexes, etc.;
    • object params:
      • all mentioned above (object builder expands item builder);
      • all basic object params: health, slots, light color, colony tags, warning if the object doesn't drop itself;
      • damage params for traps, including damage element;
  • added informative yet concise visuals to the mod's description;
  • added custom minibiome chests to almost every biome added by the mod (see Loot Crates);
  • biomes that remain without custom loot are: Poptop Valley, Snowy Ridges, Alterash Caves, Deep Alterash Caves, Electric Crystal Caves, Starforest, Antorash Plains, Obsidian Depths, Starfields, Alterash Core, Hidden Alta Labs, Alta Lab Debris, Alta Prime Labs;
  • the Hive minibiome can no longer spawn on Alterash planets;
  • improved other weapons and armor;
  • rebalanced pricing on a lot of items;
  • fixed alt abilities for some weapons;
  • fixed projectiles for some weapons;
  • fixed chars and pricing of some armors;
  • fixed some recipes, moved them to proper places;
  • moved some old weapons to deprecated and removed their recipes;
  • removed some of the oldest deprecated items;
  • minor bug fixes.

Enternia 1.2

07 Jan 14:57
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  • fixed 'large planet' bug;
  • added 2 new surface biomes and 3 underground biomes;
  • completely reworked and rebalanced the planet - the old biome, all recipes, item stats, etc.;
  • added 3 new capturable monsters, 1 new EPP and 2 new crafting materials;
  • made the planet much harder to survive - added a planet hazard - ionized air, new weather - ionized rain, added teslaspikes and other hazards to spawn;
  • reworked all monster spawns;
  • changed possible planet difficulty to 4-6;
  • changed possible dungeons;
  • minor improvements.
    See the list of contents for more info.