RayTracer, this project is about me (@CloudCodingSpace), creating a real-time raytracer pretty much from scratch with very less number of dependencies. The prefferred language of choice is indeed C++. And the graphics API is OpenGL.
First you need to clone this repository using this command on your terminal or powershell :-
git clone --recursive https://github.com/CloudCodingSpace/RayTracer
Then simply run these commands on your terminal :-
mkdir bin
cd bin
cmake ..
cmake --build . --parallel
When you are finally done with building the project, then find your executable and run it. When you run the executable, then it will open a window and render the scene in real-time.
This project uses a couple of dependencies. Namely :-
- TinyOBJLoader
- Can render a hdri panorama/equirectangular image as a skybox
- Can select the hdri panorama/equirectangular image during runtime
- Can save the scene as an png image, found at output/img.png that is present in the same folder as the RayTracer executable.
- Can render multiple spheres
- Can add spheres during runtime
- Can change the sphere properties during runtime through ImGui
- Can do some reflection and the number of bounces per ray can be controlled through the ImGui Settings panel
- The ImGui window can be dragged out of the parent window by the ImGui viewports feature