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Milestone M3

Kevin Kelly edited this page Jun 22, 2018 · 22 revisions

This page lists the goals and tasks for ClassDB Milestone M3. Tasks completed in this milestone contribute to release/version 2.x (exact version number TBD).

Please attempt to add documentation as issues are fixed and features are added.

Please add tasks to lists in appropriate section. If a list or a section does not exist, add it. Choose a task to work on and write your last name at the end of the task text in bold. When the task is complete, place a check mark the task's list item.


  • Add issues
  • Address issues marked for this milestone (no need to re-list issues here)

Team management


Add new view definitions to addClassDBRolesViewsCore.sql.

  • Team: similar to view User except for teams --Kelly
    • TeamName, MemberCount. It is possible to add aggregate DDLCount etc., but probably later
  • TeamMember: teams and members --Kelly
    • TeamName, MemberName. will probably discover additional attributes as we implement

User management

  • Possible use of OIDs to more reliably manage users, schemas, and other objects
    • Upon some research, there seems to be a potential issue with using OIDs as identifiers: they are likely to change if a server/DB is restored from a backup, since they depend on the order that objects (including non-ClassDB objects) are first created. - Figueroa


Connection logging

  • Log disconnections (log_disconnections) --Rollo
  • Add functions isConnectionLoggingEnabled and isLoggingCollectorEnabled to return the current state of connection log_connections and logging_collector respectively --Rollo

DDL logging

  • Add function isDDLoggingEnabled to return the current state of DDL logging --Rollo

Uninstall Scripts

  • Ensure any new functions / objects are removed from a ClassDB database


Postgres Version upgrade

Updating from Version 2.0

  • Remove ClassDB.PostgresLog (now a temporary table)
  • Remove ClassDB.importConnectionLog(DATE) (return type changed)