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Revoking Roles

Andrew Figueroa edited this page Jan 18, 2018 · 6 revisions

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Revoking Roles

Author: Andrew Figueroa

Revoking a role involves revoking one of the group roles that the user had assigned to them. As such, they will no longer be considered a student, instructor, or DB manager, depending on what group role is being revoked. However, they still remain a known user within ClassDB, and will retain any other roles they may have had previously assigned to them.

After a user has a group role successfully revoked, they will still appear in the User view, but will not show as having the group role that was revoked, nor will they appear in the corresponding Student, Instructor, or DBManager view.

In ClassDB, revoking a role from a user only results in removing the privileges (and possibly restrictions, in the case of students) that correspond to one of ClassDB's group roles that the user had assigned to them.

To do any of the following, the user must be dropped instead:

  • Remove the user from ClassDB's records

  • Drop their corresponding server-level role

  • Make any changes to all objects the user owned


The following are partial definitions of the three functions used to revoke roles from users. Data types of parameters have been modified from their internal referential representation to their effective types.

ClassDB.revokeStudent(userName VARCHAR(63))

ClassDB.revokeInstructor(userName VARCHAR(63))

ClassDB.revokeDBManager(userName VARCHAR(63))


The following would revoke the student role from a user with a user name of 'bell001':

SELECT ClassDB.revokeStudent('bell001');

Suppose there was a multi-role user with the user name of 'martinl', who was both a Student and DBManager (the most common scenario). To only revoke the DBManager role from the user, then only the following statement should be run:

SELECT ClassDB.revokeDBManager('martinl')

After running the statement, the user would no longer have DB manager privileges within ClassDB, but would maintain their student privileges.

All functions follow the case sensitivity rules described in the Adding Users documentation.

Additional Notes

In order to revoke the role from a user, the corresponding server-level role should exist, they must be a user that is known to ClassDB, and they must have the corresponding role that is being attempted to be revoked. Otherwise, a corresponding NOTICE will be raised. For more information on determining whether this is true or not, see the Viewing Registered Users page.

With an unmodified installation of ClassDB, only users who are registered as one of ClassDB's group roles are able to connect to a database that ClassDB is installed in. (Superusers are always able to connect to any database.) This means that if all ClassDB group roles have been revoked from a user, they will not be able to connect a database where ClassDB is installed, even if their server-role still exists and they are registered within ClassDB as a known user. To restore their access, they can be re-granted a ClassDB group role through the user creation process, or they can be manually granted the CONNECT privilege on the database by a superuser or the database owner.